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Pathetic line connection times

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎05-10-2010

Pathetic line connection times

I ordered broadband ob 15th September, 3 yr old flat with BT master box, 171 returns a number and yet the quoted connection date is 27th October.
5 weeks for a software switch, or is this Openreach stifling the competition.
Why doesn't plusnet do something about this!!!
Posts: 426
Thanks: 1
Registered: ‎03-08-2010

Re: Pathetic line connection times

Why doesn't plusnet do something about this!!!

They can't  Roll_eyes they have their hands tied as they are just a little bit of BT, a tiny fragment of their split up evil empire of a company. Even the larger fragments of BT can't do anything about it  Roll_eyes You could get every CSA at Plusnet to call up and complain about it until they were blue in face and dead, but nothing would be done about it. Roll_eyes

It is, the unfair part of life, unless you can hook up with fibre, or live next to a good LLU enabled exchange then it will be unfair, it will take time, it might even take longer than that, who knows? It might not even happen at all, you might be billed up until that date without actually being activated  Shocked very unfair, but very true, it just comes with the company curse of having BT behind them, in them, and working on their behalf!  Angry
Best thing to do is just relax, find a little time to be patient with the situation, keep an eye on this post or login to the help and support desk and submit a ticket, or you can read the rest of the forums to your hearts content, assuming you have another ability to access the Internet, if not then, that pretty much sucks, so sorry.
Apart from all that, Welcome to the Plusnet Forum - have fun!
Posts: 1,300
Registered: ‎09-07-2007

Re: Pathetic line connection times

in fairness, Openreach dont really care who you are with.
They just provide the lines, Normally issues like this are with BT Wholesale - Which means a PN CS agent spends time writing to BT (Indian call centre?) - to get something done, as you can imagine - this doesnt always go swimmingly. Even when CS agents call... (Have you ever had the pleasure of dealing with BT via phone??)
Just remember most people resell BT's wholesale product, so the problem will move with *most* providers, and LLU operators TEND to provide even shoddier service (shocking, i know) - of course there are exceptions to this.
Also if there was no broadband on the line previously, it meansan engineer has to *physically* do something to the line (increase the voltage) so this is why new orders take longer than a migration Smiley