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Is it time to move on?

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Registered: ‎26-01-2016

Is it time to move on?

I have been with PlusNet for seven years and have had no problems so I cannot complain on that basis. But I wonder about a few little things:

My router has never been upgraded

I have never been contacted to offer me anything ever.

As, I think, a 'good customer' I never receive any offers of anything. I am not really complaining about this as my internet service has always been good. If I ever wonder what is on offer I must phone and ask, nothing is ever offered to longstanding customers and any offers seem to be low prices to attract new customers. This month, my bill is again reaching Sky level, but I only use the Internet and make occasional telephone calls. If this is costing me £45- upwards is it time for me to move on and get some tv with my internet? I would like to remain loyal but as a 'longish' term customer I seem to be totally invisible to PlusNet, which is a shame. I am not contracted, I don't need to be to stay with PlusNet. I would be grateful to hear from other invisibles for their thoughts. Many thanks.  

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Re: Is it time to move on?

Perhaps you can explain how you get to £45 per month given that Unlimited Fibre Extra with line rental in a non low cost area (without any discounts) is £27.49 per month

Unlimited Fibre Extra Broadband when taken with Plusnet line rental

  • With a 12 month contract: If you live in a low cost area it costs £19.51 a month for the first 12 months, £19.99 a month thereafter. If you live outside one of these areas it costs £27.01 a month for the first 12 months, £27.49 a month thereafter. A £25.00 activation fee applies.
  • With an 18 month contract: If you live in a low cost area it costs £14.51 a month for the first 18 months, £19.99 a month thereafter. If you live outside one of these areas it costs £22.01 a month for the first 18 months, £27.49 a month thereafter. A £25.00 activation fee applies.
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Re: Is it time to move on?

Whilst PN do contact customers to offer discounts when at end of contracts  ( depending on your marketing preferences) the saving offered is nothing like what you can achieve when you contact them, also helps greatly when you also have to hand what others ISPs are offering 

What package are you on and do you have any add ons? 

 Assume by the price you may not have any current discounts and or you are in a Market A( where PN charge more), and are making quite a few chargeable calls? 



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Re: Is it time to move on?

But that was the number I quoted with the most expensive fibre package - but I missed the fact that you need to add line rental Embarrassed which brings it up to £46.48

So please ignore me

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Re: Is it time to move on?

Perhaps you can explain how you get to £45 per month given that Unlimited Fibre Extra with line rental in a non low cost area (without any discounts) is £27.49 per month

Incorrect that is before line rental.
Unlimited Fibre Extra in Market A without discounts is £ 27.49 you then need to add £ 18.99 for landline 

PN why are you charging more for certain products in Market A ? when the cost is the same as everywhere else.

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Re: Is it time to move on?

Moderator's note:

Moved as seemed more appropriate to Plusnet Feedback than General Chat.

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Re: Is it time to move on?

@beaniewabster wrote:

I have been with PlusNet for seven years and have had no problems so I cannot complain on that basis. But I wonder about a few little things:

My router has never been upgraded

I have never been contacted to offer me anything ever

This is quite common with companies (in my experience), not just PlusNet. You have to be a bit proactive and ask for the things that are bothering you. They don't always contact you.

Your router won't be upgraded automatically but PlusNet can arrange this if you ask them to - I believe you'd have to pay £6.99 postage but someone correct me if I am wrong.

Yes companies give offers to (a) Attract new business and (b) Keep people and making them sign new contracts. I would go through the website and look at what you could potentially get as a new customer, and if yours is too high then ask why?

I can think of two recent-ish (is that a word? Oh well is it now Tongue) examples of what has happened to me:

  1. My domain name company were going to charge me about £35 for a year to renew my domain. Had it since 1999. When I looked on their site they proudly advertised they were £8 per year. So rang them up and said "Why am I being charged £35 when the price should be £8 per year". I had to moan at them, and eventually they said "We charge peopole the rates when they signed up", so had a moan and got them to charge it. Cheeky if I had not said anything, it would still be £35. Funny how companies don't automatically change your price when it decreases but will when it increases.
  2. Second one was with EE about a year ago. Was on a SIM only 12 month contract. Unlimited calls and texts plus 3Gb of data, for £33 per month. Friend signed up and got something like 15Gb of data for a few pounds extra. I ring up and all I said was "I would like to be moved on that higher data tariff" expecting to pay that price. They said "For £25 per month (for another 12 month contract) you can have 25Gb of data". Cool So for £8 cheaper I got the same with calls/texts but with a much higher data allowance. Nice. All I did was ask to move tariff, and didn't even go through the call-their-bluff "I am thinking of leaving route" (when I wasn't). Not saying you are, but I am sure people do that.
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Re: Is it time to move on?

It simply comes down to what companies are about and that is to make as much money for the owner or shareholders.

No company is going to make you wise to the fact you can get your current service cheaper, the best examples of this are car insuance companies who assume you will just accept the increase in premiums when you come to renew and if you pay by direct debit that can happen automatically unless you inform them to the contrary.

No matter what company you pay on a regular basis it is essential to do the necessary research to see if you can get a better deal, simply quoting that better deal can get you a reduction, if not then be prepared to move.

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Re: Is it time to move on?

Exactly if you're unhappy, see a better deal elsewhere and are prepared to move (i.e. going through the hassle) then tell them why.

I never said to EE I was leaving, in fact all I said I wanted to go onto that higher data tariff which was a few pounds more. So for £8 less I got a much higher one. Thumbs_Up

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Re: Is it time to move on?

A lot of it comes down to "You don't get if you don't ask"Wink

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Re: Is it time to move on?

Yep, I was actually prepared to pay more, for more data.

Instead I pay less for even more.

Shocked but a pleasant one at least.

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Re: Is it time to move on?

Apology, perhaps I did not explain so well. My charges are £9.99 Unlimited (contracted) market2/3 charge, £18.99 Weekends charge and Call charges = whatever I use. This is the way they are shown on my Bill. What I was (badly) trying to say was how expensive this can become as my main use is the Internet with any calls being about 'home economics' and not pleasure. My Bill is sometimes so high I wonder if something like Sky is a better deal as at least I get tv thrown in. My other concern was that loyal regular customers receive nothing. All incentives from PlusNet are aimed at gaining new customers with not even an occasional 'reward' for us punters. In the seven years I have been with them the only reward came if I telephoned. I would just like PlusNet to remember us. If they do not care about us perhaps I should move to Sky, get the same uncaring service, pay around the same and get some tv as well?

Perhaps I am wrong? I would like some feedback considerably above a, "just sod off" level please. I am trying to make a valid point even if you think this is weakly done. Many thanks, John 



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Re: Is it time to move on?

Hi John,

I’ll be happy to arrange a call back from our sales team to discuss a new deal (assuming you’re out of contract as I can’t see your account at the moment since I’m not yet in the office)

Feel free to PM me your contact number if you’d like to go ahead.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi