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Home Move Confusion

Posts: 19,107
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Home Move Confusion

Hopefully one of the Provisioning experts on CRT will pick this up on Monday and see if they can sort it out. I assume you are taking Broadband and Phone NMennell?
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎15-11-2014

Re: Home Move Confusion

HPsauce you may be correct and that the departing occupants didn't request the cease the other times.  Sky told me that they always cease the line but to be honest as soon as the operator at Sky realised that I wasn't a Sky customer wasn't very helpful.
Another one you are correct I am taking both broadband and telephone.
I'm just hoping that Plusnet will get back to me with some advice before the cease date .
Thanks for the replies on here.
Posts: 19,107
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Home Move Confusion

So you previously rang Sky from the Sky provided phone service that you now have access to?
Have Plusnet put in an order to take over the line, or have they not bothered because there is a pending cease?
You could get back to Sky again before Monday and tell them what Plusnet have said again and perhaps remind them there are OFCOM rules that they should be complying with and preventing a take-over of the line by putting a cease on it is breaking the rules from what you understand and if that goes ahead you will be talking to OFCOM - see whether that focuses any attention  Wink  It may work.
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎15-11-2014

Re: Home Move Confusion

I have previously spoken with Sky who just inform me that there is nothing that they can do and Plusnet must put in an order to take over the line.  I am currently waiting to hear back from Plusnet about this.  I did not ring from the Sky provided service but gave them the account info given to me from the previous tenant.
Your idea about bringing up OFCOM rules is a good one which I will try when I ring Sky again tomorrow.  The operator was not at all helpful from Sky so bringing up OFCOM might get me somewhere.
Thanks for the suggestion.

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎15-11-2014

Re: Home Move Confusion

One quick thing - Plusnet have stated that I must speak with the previous provider to sort this out even though I am new to the property.
OFCOM rules state (from the OFCOM website)
If you are waiting for a new line, or to have broadband installed or a fault repaired, the phone company provider you have signed up with has responsibility for managing the process and keeping you informed.
Your provider may work with Openreach, the company that maintains the UK's phone network. However, you need only deal with your provider.

A quote from OFCOM in August 2013 press realease; Ofcom has today decided that consumers only need follow a single switching process in future, in which the new provider leads the transfer process on behalf of the consumer. Under this 'gaining provider led' process, which is already in use for most landline and broadband switches, consumers will no longer need to contact their existing provider.
Surely the two providers normally communicate with it other when there is a switch of network....or am I just being naive?
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Re: Home Move Confusion

The change of OFCOM rules in Aug 2013 may also have made a difference compared to your earlier moves if they were before then, in that it's now more formalised and  the "old" supplier would now expect to deal only with the "new" supplier not the end-user. It sounds like PN are not accepting the responsibilities given to them by OFCOM (by asking you to call Sky).
Posts: 19,107
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Home Move Confusion

Whilst Plusnet need to pick up the ball on this (Monday) there are few days left before that cease order. In all such things, I always work on the premise that it's me that's affect by all this - whoever should be responsible for whatever doesn't stop me from "having a go" at whoever seems to be causing the agro - in this case Sky because of a cease order - even if it should be Plusnet chasing this. "Threatening" to contact OFCOM may concentrate minds, but also referring back to the previous case in this thread -
Quote from: Anotherone
........ this is the 21st century and frankly this type of problem should not arise. I would ring OFCOM and ask them why the current procedure allows this to happen and what can be done to expedite the issue. If they end up saying nothing can be done, register a formal complaint with them - tell them there current procedures aren't good enough. Make sure they give you a reference number.

Quote from: Anotherone
.......the point of going to OFCOM is that it is precisely that their rules need to be changed if they prevent a "seamless" transfer.

Quote from: Anotherone
Nothing will ever do anyone any good when the basic rules of the system are at fault and no-one ever complains about it. Do please phone OFCOM.........

Quote from: Anotherone
...... If OFCOM rules or Openreach procedures prevent that, then it is something that needs to be addressed by OFCOM.

Quote from: Anotherone
Do have a moan at OFCOM though about the way their rules and Openreach are working when it comes to this sort of house move situation.

And of course the reason Openreach are mentioned in all this is because Plusnet have to place their orders with Openreach.
If anyone tries to dissuade you from speaking with OFCOM, maybe it's them who aren't complying with the rules. If OFCOM try to refer you to Ombudsman services or whatever, ask them bluntly  "Are the rules being complied with - YES or NO"  If they say Yes, then the rules need amending,if they say No, then one of the providers needs a kick. If OFCOM try to "stone-wall" you - persist - tell them "This is a formal complaint" - get a reference number. They frequently seem to not want to get off their rear-ends and look after consumer interests, at other times they can seem to get situations "unstuck".
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎15-11-2014

Re: Home Move Confusion

Thanks for your hep and advice Anotherone.  I am going to ring Sky, Plusnet but first OFCOM and see what they say.  I will update once I have some responses from someone.
I think your right, trying to get OFCOM to tell me whether anyone is actually breaking any rules is the best plan, if there not then I feel i'm probably just going to have to pay whatever Plusnet charge me to reconnect the line.
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Re: Home Move Confusion

Being pragmatic, register your complaint all round first and make reasonable attempts to get it resolved, but if it can't be done in time pay up and continue to make a claim afterwards.
Posts: 19,107
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Home Move Confusion

There is always Ombudsman Services/ CISAS to resort to as well if complaints are not resolved satisfactorily.
Posts: 19,107
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Home Move Confusion

Another thread that Plusnet should have picked up this morning, oh dear  Roll_eyes
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Home Move Confusion

Don't worry, @Anotherone I've got this.
This is a real awkward one for the ISP as well as the end user.
The facts are this:
Our systems reflect that there is a cease-free working line on the 9th. In between that time, and the time that we pick up the order, the old provider place a cease request which leads to us being charged a fee to switch the line back on. We are now unable to place an order, as Sky's orders take preference due to the ownership of their line.
If Sky cannot remove the cease, do Plusnet take the hit, or should the fee be deferred to the customer? Personally, I think both are left in the lurch a bit.
@NMennell - I'll address your ticket for you shortly. Unfortunately I've not been able to catch you on the phone this evening.
ex-Plusnet staffer. Any posts after 28/07/2017 aren't on behalf of Plusnet
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Home Move Confusion

Well according to the OFCOM rules quoted in this thread it seems Plusnet should be getting onto Sky and requesting removal of the cease.
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎15-11-2014

Re: Home Move Confusion

Fair play to Plusnet for offering to get the line restarted for free. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the situation it's nice to have the problem sorted.
Dear Mr Mennell,
Thank you for your contact on the forums today.
I have agreed to get your line restarted free of charge. We will do this shortly after it has been ceased by Sky.
I am leaving this with our provisioning team for now to place the order once the opportunity becomes available.
I do apologise for the delay to your service. We are continuing to monitor this, and we will keep you posted with updates in due course.
Kind regards,
Matty Cassell
Restart FOC

I can't understand how the situation described above by plusnet happens because from what I can see the providers or customers lose money and the only winners would be BT Openreach.
Lastly thanks for all the helpful posts from @Anotherone and HPsauce.
Posts: 19,107
Thanks: 457
Fixes: 21
Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Home Move Confusion

Do contact OFCOM and ask them about this situation etc as previously posted, it's not fair on End Users and not fair on ISPs either.