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Avoid Plusnet

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎16-10-2015

Avoid Plusnet

I had high hopes for Plusnet but these were sadly not achieved.
Mix up with the initial connection between BTOR and Plusnet. 7 days to sort it out. Never mind, I thought, these things happen.
After 7 weeks of decent service I thought I'd replace my router as it was old.
Big mistake.
This launched me in to the "your service has been capped".
Then some "we'll remove the cap".
Which had no effect.
Some fault finding from PN. "It's all released now".
No effect.
Couple of days later PN then advised it "had to be phone line so we'll send BTOR".
After a total of 10 days of an unusable service, and after I asked for my connection to be replugged at the exchange which was ignored, I'd had enough and registered for Sky.
Needless to say since Sky was enabled, and no BTOR person coming to visit at all, my speeds are back at what I expect and my service is restored. A simple replug at the Exchange.
My Plusnet service is going to end up costing me about £80 per month. I'm glad to be rid of it.
Think carefully before joining Plusnet.
Posts: 39
Registered: ‎29-12-2015

Re: Avoid Plusnet

Yes I understand exactly where you are coming from, I'm having to pay a fair old bit to get this baloney off of my line, they capped me on Day 2, I've been reading some great things about SKY, LLU is undoubtedly the way to go.
Posts: 19,107
Thanks: 457
Fixes: 21
Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Avoid Plusnet

They didn't cap you StalkStalk. That was the automatic exchange DLM responding to a problem on your line and if you went and tried to understand what's been said on your on thread, other members might have been able to help you resolve the problem. Trolling around other threads won't help you.
Posts: 39
Registered: ‎29-12-2015

Re: Avoid Plusnet

The SNR and Interleaving didn't change at all on my upstream, but for a few days or so it was always 888kbps, until I kicked up a fuss, they capped the upload, no doubt about it pal, you can continue on your merry deluded way, I'm not trolling, I'm expressing my honest opinion as a Plusnet customer, just like you are also entitled to do?
Posts: 19,107
Thanks: 457
Fixes: 21
Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Avoid Plusnet

You just don't understand what the automatic DLM has been doing. Nor do you realise that Plusnet (nor any ISP) cannot make DLM do the specific things you claim. The 888kbps upstream speed is a banded speed which DLM has imposed - I will say for reasons that none of us fully understand, some thought it was because of Interleaving but we've seen cases with Interleaving and no banded speed. You have an underlying problem with your line, and with a fixed profile on Sky's LLU that simply masks the problem which may give you acceptable BB performance until the problem gets significantly worse.
There is a difference between expressing an opinion and making accusations and statement that aren't true especially when it detracts from another poster's thread.