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6 Months, 9 days & Counting - My Story

Posts: 5
Registered: ‎12-02-2016

6 Months, 9 days & Counting - My Story

To set the tone of this post, this whole process is SEVERELY effecting my health.
I ordered my new broadband connection on the 3rd August 2015. To clarify, if the subject didn't give you an idea - I am still waiting for installation. I feel completely and utterly let down by the lack of accountability PlusNet takes for openreach's actions. All staff are very polite and helpful within what their job defines, but nobody seems bothered to actually go out of their way and HELP me. I'm not sure that anybody is actually capable of helping me.
Since the order was placed, I have now had 5 days off work to allow for engineers to enter my home. Twice nobody even turned up, and the other three times were pointless visits. So, so far, I'm down around £600 for taking days off work for visits that were supposed to finish my completion, which ultimately were a waste of time.
The last visit was last monday, when the openreach engineer gave me the exact same distance (67m) that my cable is actually travelling before the fault that he gave me 6 months ago at the very start of this process. Road works have come and gone, with the fault supposedly cleared, but now I'm still waiting for the exact same fault to be cleared that needed clearing at the beginning.
I have begged agents on the online chat and on the phone for a manager, or someone of importance to take control of this situation. I have sent threats to openreach of my intention to go to news outlets, and I will be filing regulatory reports to the proper authorities explaining of my situation. I expect that I will now also be including PlusNet within those reports, as at the end of this whole process (if it ever gets completed) I am still PlusNets customer, and for all this aggravation, stress and loss of wages, they have very kindly offered me the petty sum of £30 (3 month free service). I originally thought (after about 4 months) that the aggravation that would be caused by filing a report on these communication companies wouldn't be worth the outcome in the end, but I now want to do it simply for the fact that customers should never be treated this way. There comes a point where it actually begins to effect a persons life, and it has definitely begun to have that effect on me.
To make the whole situation worse, I don't even get mobile signal for internet/calls. my neighbours kindly offered to allow me to connect to their wifi, but our walls are too thick to get their signal (old stone building).
I would like to hear what PlusNet thinks of this, and wonder if anyone can actually get this sorted.
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Registered: ‎26-10-2014

Re: 6 Months, 9 days & Counting - My Story

Nicbirch search this site and you will find the ceo's of both companies e-mail address.
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Re: 6 Months, 9 days & Counting - My Story

You may find useful!
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎12-02-2016

Re: 6 Months, 9 days & Counting - My Story

Had another engineer visit on Saturday. We discovered that the reason why the fault is still there is because when the guys came to install new ducting for my line (around 3 and a half months ago!!!!), they amazingly forgot to put any cable in it. We checked the joint manholes, and amusingly found a bit of rope in the ducting, still waiting to have cable tied to it to pull it through.
Again, I would like to know what PlusNet thinks of this. I've still had no reply to this post, whilst at the same time people posting after me have.
I will be sending a letter officially claiming consequential loss within the next few days. Failure to reach an agreement will result in this proceeding to county court.
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: 6 Months, 9 days & Counting - My Story

The blokes who put the ducting in don't lay cables, the engineer who comes to install the phone does that.
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎12-02-2016

Re: 6 Months, 9 days & Counting - My Story

that is true to a certain extent, but not all engineers that visit to do phone installations are trained for underground work i.e. they cant install underground cables, which is what I'm obviously waiting for. I'm currently waiting for traffic lights and an underground team to install that cable that I've been waiting almost 7 months for.
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Re: 6 Months, 9 days & Counting - My Story

Hi Nic,
A warm welcome to the forums.
As I noted here -,148433.msg1307335.html#msg1307335 - in reply to your comment elsewhere, no ISP has any real clout over BTOR.  They are a complete shambles, even after complaining to their CEO and their parent's CEO you are lucky to get any traction on them.  They still act as though they are a nationalised industry where they will still get paid irrespective of delivering results.
You sound like a new build install.  BTOR has a special department for helping with such matters - see here
As suggested above, it is worthwhile rising your complaint direct with the CEOs of BT PLC and BTOR whose email addresses are readily available on the internet, but I'm not allowed to disclose them (personal data!!!!) here.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 5
Registered: ‎12-02-2016

Re: 6 Months, 9 days & Counting - My Story

Thanks Kevin, and thanks to everyone else who has posted. I will be using your advice to try and get this going. I luckily managed to spot the UG engineer doing an assessment for the cabling work on Monday, and he said a team is now being booked in with roadworks and 80m of 20 pair cable to complete the job. We shall see what happens in the next few weeks.
P.s. I'm not a new build install. It was a UG fault on the line that required new ducting as the ducts were heavily damaged.