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End of Week 21st March 2010

End of Week 21st March 2010

End of Week 21st March 2010

Hello readers! End of week time again.  Despite all the recruiting that's going on here at the moment, this week as a bit of a departure theme as we've lost  two comrades to pastures new.  Read on to find out more. Kate is first with the Finance update, take it away!

Hello Hello! This week in Finance has been centered around the team night out on Monday, where we went bowling. I'm not sure there is a 'kingpin' among us but we certainly gave it a good shot. Except perhaps for James who embarrassingly was beaten by most, including all of the fairer sex. Sorry James, better luck next time! Mark was the winner which was well deserved, even if it was only 6 points ahead of me. Grats Mark (i'll beat you next time...) In terms of work, we've had the internal auditors with us this week, who generally learn about our systems and procedures and make recommendations on how we can improve them. I opted to see Alice in Wonderland at the weekend which I thoroughly enjoyed, being an Alice fan myself. So many films to watch, so little time! Joke for the week: Q: Why do sharks only swim in salt water? A: Because pepper water makes them sneeze. Take it easy.

But what about their cholesterol levels?  Andy's next up from the CSC.

And here it is again, I bet you've all been looking forward to it. Well it's a bit of a mixed bag for me. I have switched teams within the support centre this week to make for a more even distribution of awesomeness. I mean Power. No I mean Knowledge. Yeah, lets go with that. So this is really only my second day on shift, with one more to go. Bit of a strange shift really. We normally work 4 in a row, not 3 and I'm actually working for 2 teams at the moment! Confusing to say the least! Not much else to report other than the teams moving around. We have a batch of new starters coming onto technical support early next week. Well, they'll be training for the next 2 weeks, but not long now. We're also getting some customer services staff to help out with the department too. So this is Andy Wallace saying, remember. In case of emergency, BREAKDANCE! Have a great weekend all.

Indeed!  Here's Tommo with news of a departure from Networks...

Hello from the sunny networks floor here in Sheffield. It's a sad day today as we say goodbye to Dan who's moving on to pastures new. Good luck Dan, don't be a stranger. So what have we been doing this week. A huge amount of work and effort on the CGI platform, more details are over on Service Status: Big props to everyone involved. Lots of other work this week, too numerous to mention individually. It has to be nearly holiday time, well I know I've just come back but seems to be a theme that people are feeling like it's coming up on holiday time. At least the long Easter weekend isn't far away and of course the new series of Doctor Who. Anyway, offski time is drawing close, enjoy the weekend!

Thanks Dave and good luck Dan, see ya around!  The other leaver is Jen, who is making her final ever EOW entry... Sad

Well, I have to post really, since it's my last opportunity to do so! It's my last day at Plusnet as I'm moving on to pastures new...well, a HR company in Rotherham to be precise. Just as I thought I'd be winding down on my last day, I've actually been ramping up. I don't think anyone could have failed to notice the amount of recruitment we've been doing (my end of weeks are starting to sound like a broken record). Our feet have barely touched the ground. As well as that, I've been handing over stuff and looking at how work can be jigged around once I leave. We've been dealing with lots of employee matters, administrating the holiday buy scheme and I also did an exit interview from someone else leaving today. Needless to say I'll be keeping a close watch on Plusnet to see what happens next. Once a Plusnetter.... All the best!

Cheers Jen, it's been emotional!  Nick is next up with the Web Team business...

This week feels like it's flown by at a frightening pace - we've all been busily working in Web Dev to tick off the things on our 'to do' lists. Tick. Tick. Tick. I've managed to complete a bunch of email, service notice and support page template changes. Gary and John have worked on various things, such as our great new 'Grab it before it's too late' banner on our homepage and some planned improvements to signup. Tick. Tick. Duffy's succeeded in breaking the back of his Google Analytics work, but he tells me he's still searching to find his lost voice. Croakier than a croaking frog. Erk. We've been down a man this week. Sam's been on his jolly we're not entirely sure what he's been up to. But I'm sure we'll find out on Monday though! See you on the other side of the weekend...adios peeps!

And last but no means least, Adam from Biz Support

Hi all, This is my first community post for a long time, but hopefully the first of many to come. To introduce myself my name is Adam and I have been a member of the business support team here at Plusnet since its inception over 3 years ago. I have been a member of staff working in various teams in the CSC side of Plusnet for the past 7 years now and I am now beginning a secondment to the Digital Care (formely comms team). I hope to interact with as many of you as possible and provide support and information to help out where ever I can. To summarise, this week has seen a few changes in store for business support as a few other longstanding members have been successful in being recruited internally to other departments, some of them in management roles. I would like to take this opportunity to wish them all the best along with the rest of the team. All the team members who have moved on to pastures new within the company will be immediately replaced with the most capable and experienced agents from residential support. Additional team members are also to join which should hopefully lead to a new era for business support and a strong new beginning. This has been a steady week for us and the team have pulled together sometimes in the face of adversity due to a few internal issues which were highlighted in service status yet, good stats were maintained throughout so a good week in all with a few changes and surprises to keep us on our toes.

Excellent, thanks to all the posters, readers and good luck to those who leave us. See ya next week!

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