It's Monday the 11th of May so for some reason it's my turn to the End of Day... Usually I would think of something witty to see here, but my brain isn't quite working so we'll just go straight in to the updates. The Web Team EOD today is from Andy:
Good afternoon all, this will have to be quick as I've been roped in to write this at the last minute!
Straight in to things (jabber format FTW!): (17:11:54) Sam Weaving: Couple of tweak fixes from Home Phone Refresh (17:11:46) Jonathan Defries: Looking at email content (17:12:03) Colin Ogilvie: I feel I've been conned in to editing the EOD... (17:12:17) Colin Ogilvie: other than that, I've been working on a couple of Community Site things, and getting things ready for testing (17:12:33) James Tuck: making changes to code following a code review and some testing (17:12:37) Nick Bower: Today in a nutshell has been bugfixing, Problems for Partner and Community Site Support (17:12:15) Phillip Swaine : code reviews & cake eating (17:12:27) Gary Rockett: Bits of Partner and a problem And that just leaves me - I've been working on fixing a problem and looking at the sheets we send out with our routers. Ta Ta!
Well, that's it today, only the one update. I do know that Mand was left on her own when I last spoke to her, so I guess she was quite busy. I'll leave you in someone else's capable hands for tomorrow night, Colin