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Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5

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Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5

I have just switched to Plus-net Fibreplus from BT.  The transition of the service went well as did the first day or so of Internet service then Internet connection kept dropping every few minutes.  It got the point of barely being usable.  I switched back from the supplied Plusnet Hub One router to my old BT Home Hub 5 router (changing the login details).  Since then the connection has been much more stable and has only dropped out once which was in the middle of the night.

Is there an issue with the Plusnet Hub One router?  I make extensive use of Dropbox and Office 365.



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Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5


The HubOne is a re-badged BT HH5



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Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5

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This topic has been moved from Fibre to My Router

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Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5


There are two HH5A models, the 5A and 5B, these use different chipsets. The Plusnet Hub One is a HH 5A with tweeked firmware. If you have a HH5B then this could be the reason for the improved performance. Either that or the 'Plusnet' firmware modifications.

It would be interesting to know which model of HH you are using.

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Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5

Mine is a HomeHub Type A - Software version (Type A) Last updated 02/03/19.

When I used it to replace the new PlusNet Hub One router I had received the very frequent drop outs in the Internet stopped.  Makes me wonder if my Plusnet Router is faulty.

Has anybody else had similar experiences?



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Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5


Thanks for that. When you say the Internet dropping do you mean that the blue light was going out or was it the wireless that was dropping? My guess from the version number that this is the same firmware apart from firmware tweeks. The only other significant difference will be the age of the unit.

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Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5


Hi @Ed-BH


I've taken a look at your connection and can see a large number of frequent drops which have disappeared completely after you switched the router over. Having checked your external connection (and found no faults), I can only concur that this is a hardware issue and have arranged for another router to be sent to you accordingly.


Should be with you within the next 3-5 days - please let us know how you get on.


Best wishes



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Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5

Thank you!  I'm impressed...

I'll swap in the new router when it gets here and let you know how it goes.


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Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5

I'd need to check that HH5A software version, but assuming the latest, the DSL drivers should be aligned. Let me know how you get on with the replacement.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5

Thge new router arrived on Friday and I swapped it in on Friday afternoon.  With the Home Hub 5 the connection had been entirely stable.  With the new PlusNet Hub One I am again getting dropouts,  As an example having been up for 11 hours, the link went down several times in quick succession between 7:17 and 8:16 this morning - each time it was up for between 6 and 16 minutes.  During this time it went down a total of six times,  it was up for 7 minutes five of the times and 16 one of them,  Since 8:16 it's been stable.  Much the same thing happened over Friday night into Saturday but the log does not go that far back,

At the time of these link outages all the computers in the house were in Sleep mode off and the mobile devices were on but not being used.

The only changes to the configuration of the Router that were made were as follows:

  • Change network in use to (from by changing DHCP range and Gateway address (as we have a NAS and printer with static IP addresses configured on that network)
  • Disable both 2.4Ghz and 5GHz wireless networks (as we have a Netgear Orbi system configured as a Wireless Access Point)
  • Set Hub Lights to Low
  • Change the Router Admin Password

These exact same changes had been made to my old BT Home Hub 5A router whiich had been installed and rock steady whilst we waited for ne PlusNet Hub One to arrive.

The first message in the Event Log at the start of each cycle of link down and back upo again is:

07:17:39, 02 Feb. (140894.080000) PPP LCP Send Termination Request [User request]

The numbers in brackets are different each time.

Any thoughts on how I can get the link stable on the PlusNet router welcome,  Or should I just swithch back to the BT Router?


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Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5


That's very interesting. I would either go back to the Home Hub 5 or better still get a Smarthub 6.


Have you picked up this post? It might be instructive with the cooperation of @Ed-BH, maybe by doing him a swap for a Smarthub, or equivalent compensation, to try running the Plusnet firmware on this unit?

I've still got a bee in my bonnet that the problem could be caused by substitution of hardware component(s) due to obsolescence, needing a firmware tweek to correct a timing problem. 




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Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5

I would either go back to the Home Hub 5 or better still get a Smarthub 6 -- says Baldrick.

 I took this advice last year and I'm very pleased with the result. With so many on Virgin etc the HH6 is readily available on Gumtree for £10 or more (one optimist is looking £70!) but don't leave it too long as BT now charges if customers don't return old units.

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Registered: ‎16-07-2020

Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5

Hi there,


I have recently joined Plusnet from BT and I'm experiencing exactly the same drops as the original poster explained. Also, the signal of the Plusnet router doesn't seem to be anywhere near as strong as the BT router. 

Can I just plug any old router in whether its BT or whoever else and it'll still work through Plusnet?



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Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5

@np123 assuming I'm looking at the right account, I'm not seeing it. Your Internet connection has been uninterrupted for around a week.

Are you sure your issues aren't Wi-Fi related?

BT routers will work on your Plusnet line with some reconfiguration. Other ISP's routers may not work.

This is a really old thread, so it might be worth you starting your own.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Plusnet Hub One vs. BT Home Hub 5

Hi Bob,


I don't know what to tell you! The connection on the router hasn't gone off at all - the light remains blue. But my son plays xbox online, and I play a few games on my phone, and the wifi will drop whilst we're playing. This never happened with my BT router. Also, our TV in the bedroom upstairs now struggles to play Netflix and iPlayer, lots of buffering and I can't understand why? I've run speed tests and its fine, but maybe the signal isn't as strong as the old router? I don't understand.

I just read the original thread and thought it sounded similar.

Any help would be very much appreciated.
