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Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

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Registered: ‎17-06-2007

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

What I've noticed is that the 5GHz band doesn't suddenly stop working - it gets slower and slower until eventually it gets to the point where it stops working.

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎07-02-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@bobpullen - how do I request a firmware upgrade? My router is also epxeriencing 5GHz wifi disconnections - I have separated the channels with new SSID identifiers, and I have even tried fixing the 5GHz channel to avoiid interference from local SKY routers, which I had noticed were interfering with the channel that the 5GHz wifi was attempting to use - I am still occasionally experiencing 5GHz drop out and having to use 2.4GHz for most of my wifi appliances. Thanks. 

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎08-02-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@bobpullen as a very recent Plusnet customer (as of last month) I'm very disappointed at the 5ghz issue that I am also experiencing. Details of how to upgrade or downgrade my firmware in order to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 15
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Registered: ‎02-02-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Cant believe you been given one of these routers when Plusnet knows full well there is a problem with them , but aslong as your a paying custormer or (another sucker ) they dont give a [-Censored-]. 

Posts: 15
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Registered: ‎02-02-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue


Sorry to see the issues you're still having with your connection, great to hear the connection is giving us a good speed on the laptop, as discussed I would advise looking in to splitting the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands:

1. Open up a web browser and enter in the address bar: '''' (Hub IP address)
2. This will bring up the Plusnet Hub Manager
3. Click ''Advanced Settings''
4. Enter your admin password when prompted (router password on small card) and then continue to advanced settings
5. Click "Wireless"
6. Click "5GHz wireless"
7. Change "Sync with 2.4GHz to no"
8. Click Apply

I would advise to check on the home page and see if all devices have issues are with devices on a specific band.

If you have any other questions or queries regarding your Plusnet account, please contact us by calling 0800 432 0200 or you can chat with us online here  

This is what they sent me .   But im using my old Bt router and i have zero problems . 


Posts: 1
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Registered: ‎09-02-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

I am experiencing issues with 5GHz wireless. I hope that the observations below may help to find the source of this issue.

My network setup is rather complicated as I have 30+ live devices and use multiple access points (with different SSIDs). However I find that my Samsung S7 no longer connects to the Plusnet router - it was getting Authentication Error. The 2.4GHz plusnet signal has multiple connections to other devices.
I have had this router for some years and know for sure it used to work correctly, but cannot pin point when issues started as generally my phone will just pick up another access point. But I have rebooted the Plusnet router a few times to fix in the past.
Today to investigate I split the 5GHz signal, and find as expected that the 2.4GHz signal work fine.
If I connect my phone to the 5GHz (new SSID) I can connect, but then have "no internet access".
If I run "Fing" an android networking app on the phone connected to 5Ghz, it can find a subset of the devices on the network. On repeated scans the devices found change. However it cannot ping them (I tried to ping my synology NAS drive and a raspberry pi - both on ethernet cable). Similarly the trace route cannot find a route to the devices.
After a few minutes the phone disconected, and I could not reconnect to 5GHz. I disabled and reenabled the 5GHz and could again connect my phone to the 5GHz.
My Dell laptop could not get authenticated on the 5GHz signal.
Note I am sitting within 1m of my Plusnet router for these tests.
I have not tried rebooting my Plusnet router today as I do not want to affect my line speeds.
I used "Net Analyzer" another android app to see that there are no conflicting 5Ghz signals. And for good measure forced the plusnet router to use a different 5GHz channel, but the results were the same - I can connect but have no internet, and scans using the "Net Analyzer" find a varying subset of devices on each scan, but non are pingable, although I know they should be.


Posts: 2
Registered: ‎12-02-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

This started for me two days ago.
I know what changed to trigger it:
I had been using the PN1 as delivered, with just the LED brightness turned down.
As the 5Ghz was getting congested I changed it from auto channel selection to manual channel 56. No other changes: still shared SSID.
Following the change any time my smartphone disconnected and reconnected the WiFi registration failed, as shown in the event log, preventing connection to the router.
Neither changing the setting back to auto or resetting wireless back to default has rectified this.
Posts: 9
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Registered: ‎09-01-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Mine was always set to auto channel selection and has the 5ghz issue
Posts: 28
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Registered: ‎02-03-2009

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

I’ve had this problem on and off for about a year but have only started to investigate recently because we’ve had to keep rebooting the hub sometimes several times a day.

I found this thread a few days ago and have read all 40 odd pages.

As a long standing customer I’ve found in fairness that once you get past the barricades of customer service the backroom staff have in fact been quite dedicated on the 2 occasions we’ve had real problems and have stuck with things until sorted, not letting BT engineers get away with the usual fob off ‘it must be your equipment’ etc…so I’m willing to help if I can.

I believe I had the 1st problem in November 2018 when an Oz guest wanted to use our wifi and tried to set up an iPhone and Android. Neither would connect and my mobile at the time stopped working on 5G. A router reboot sorted it. I wasn’t in fault finding mode with a guest staying. I know that this is before the 263 F/W update in late Jan 2019.

I’ve since come to associate the problem with ‘new’ devices trying to log on to 5G which we always try to use because 2.4 is congested and can be slow here & 5 isn’t (wifi analyser app).


1) Brief description of the problem, and how is masquerades itself. What are the symptoms? How frequently does it happen?

Partner says ‘I’ve lost 5G again’ (on s7). No internet available on that, authentication error or won’t connect at all. Will connect to 2.4 and has usually auto switched to it. Check my mobile and tablet, usually ok on 5G but as soon as fault finding starts switching tablet or phone between 5 and 2.4 can’t get back on 5 again – no internet, authentication error, wrong password.

Broadband to desktop Ethernet working full speed. 2.4 sometimes eventually gives up too during fault finding ‘internet not available’. Both TP link extenders’ blue 5G lights go out.

For several weeks this has happened 2 or 3 times a day. Before that maybe once or twice a week. Last year maybe once a week. (all approximate).

Usually shows up when guests arrive and try to log on.


2) Do the devices having problems appear to be connected or associated with the hub?  Is the hub status indicator normal/blue when the problem occurs?



3) Do you have the 2.4GHz and 5GHz channels merged (default setting) or split (different wireless network names)? If the networks are named differently, does the problem only affect the 5GHz network?

Separated. 2.4 is congested. Problem always starts on 5G. Names are TEST21 and TEST215G

4) Once the problem occurs is it persistent?  Do you have any devices wired to the router and does the problem affect them at the same time?

Problem has never resolved itself. Ethernet usually normal and full speed 69 Mbs.

5) Are you able to reproduce the problem reliably? Do you think you have a way of triggering it? [for example waking a specific device from power save mode]

Turning on a device and trying to connect to 5G is usually the way. We have quite a few guests with lots of different devices connecting to 5G. This didn't happen last night though when a different guest with a samsung mobile logged on to 5G, so it's not 100%.


6) Is the problem always resolved by rebooting the hub?  If so, how long does it take before problems recur?

Yes as far as I know 100%


7) If specific devices are always impacted when problems occur, please provide details of which devices are impacted and which aren't i.e. manufacturer, model, variant and operating system version.

Usually S7 shows problem 1st. Now experimenting with leaving this on standby overnight rather than the usual turning off, didn’t realise it was being turned off. Turning on in the morning often triggers the problem and sometimes re-entering the property.

Curiously, since the S7 has been left on standby overnight, so it’s not trying to log on to 5G when turned on in the morning, we’ve not had a repeat of the problem! It’s only been 2 days but it’s weeks since we’ve been so trouble free. I’ll experiment after a few days of stable running to see if turning off the s7 and reconnecting in the morning recreates the problem or if a guest arriving does the same.

All other devices usually left on standby.


Cool Have the devices experiencing problems recently received any patches that might correspond with the time the issue first occurred?

Unlikely on s7 now.

9) Please provide a description of your home network setup and all devices in use including whether or not you're using any additional switches, Powerline adapters or wireless access points.

Big house so 2 TP link extenders 450 and 650.

Lan 1 Windows 10 desktop,

Lan 2 extended Ethernet to 3 TP link Ethernet hubs to 3 TVs, 3 Blu-ray, sky, Galaxy Dex hub. Windows 10 desktop.

2.4G: Brother printer, Yamaha home cinema 3070, 2 windows 10 laptops

5G: Chromecast, Galaxy Tab s4, Galaxy s7, 4k fire stick, Galaxy Note 10 + 5G,


In summary I’ve concluded that the problem arises when a ‘new’ device tries to connect to our otherwise stable 5G network.


Posts: 35
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Registered: ‎04-01-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

The only fix for the hub 1 is to disconnect it and use your own.  We bought iw works a treat ... no more problems.

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Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

That isn't a fix for the hub 1.
It's like saying suicide is a cure for flu.
It is an easy alternative at a cost, not a fix.
Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎18-02-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Whilst I agree, I've just bought the same TP Link Archer router and so far so good!  Too early to say if it will be any more stable, but not noticed any drops outs yet...  Setup was a breeze and wifi speed is greatly increased around the house.  I'm now getting 35 Mbps upstairs on both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands, as apposed to 20 Mbps (2.4Ghz) and 9 Mbps (5Ghz) with the Hub One.  Downstairs next to the router I get 60+ Mbps on the 5Ghz band (roughly the same as before).

It is annoying that Plusnet can't seem to fix their own router, but getting something better does have other advantages.

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