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BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎04-01-2021

Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet

I gave it one more reboot for luck and it just updated to SG4B1B0092DE. The missing option to disable auto DNS has now appeared.

Thanks @pboyde and @Baldrick1  Smiley  


Posts: 8
Registered: ‎05-01-2021

Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet

I did try the factory reset - but didn't press it in for very long - about 2 seconds! I still think i'll get a filter and try and get it going up here, as i'm right next to my PC then, THEN might move it downstairs to the current position of the old one. I guess that will be ok? Thanks for your help thus far - its very much appreciated! Kind regards, Shane

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎05-01-2021

Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet

I will just say, all of this info is great, but once i've unplugged the old router - to go to the new one, my internet and any form of connection is gone (can't even get data on mobile devices as mobile signal is dreadful around here!), so even if i type in the BT hub manager address - - my screens just has 'no internet', so i'm really mystified how I can progress.  Can anybody tell me what I may doing wrong please? Got my old BT Home Hub 5 back on and running again now, as no luck with BT smart hub 2.  Many thanks, Shane

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Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet


Let's start again from scratch.

1.Reset the Smarthub, keep the switch closed for about 30 seconds

2. Do NOT plug in the DSL cable. Connect to the Smarthub using Make sure that you are not connecting to your HH5, switch it off if you are not sure.

3. Input your Plusnet user name and password.

4. Only then replace the DSL cable.

I have no idea what you are meaning when talking of connecting it to a router. It is essential that there are no other internet connections except the one between the Smarthub and your computer whilst you enter your Plusnet credentials.

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Posts: 8
Registered: ‎05-01-2021

Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet

Apologies, keep saying router - meant hub.  Ok, just to be sure here and going from scratch; so I unplug the old hub (BT home hub 5) take out all connections.  Take out Smart Hub 2, plug in the power cable ONLY, press factory reset button for at least 30 seconds (as mentioned before, PC is upstairs away from where the hub is plugged in - downstairs - and my PC connects by wifi and at this point, there will now be no connection - so will my PC be able to 'see' the hub to connect to it? Even without any connection? When I tried this last time as soon as i'm on the - all i've got then is 'no internet' and can't even input anything (assuming you mean input my plusnet username etc here on the BT hub manager?).  Many thanks, Shane

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Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet



If your browser lands on a page with advising that you have no internet then I suspect that if you look you will find that your browser has opened two pages. One with your no internet warning and another showing the Hub home page. Obviously you need the other.

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Posts: 8
Registered: ‎05-01-2021

Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet

I did just close all my windows on the PC and then disconnected from the internet, and then opened up the hub manager window to see what would happen.  It just stays on the one, opened tab and says 'no internet' - no other tab opened.  So i'm not sure how it going to be any different when I try the new router out again tomorrow? - unless this wirelessly connected PC will 'see' the router and detect it once its booted up - without it being connected to the DSL / broadband cable? I will try anyway

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Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet

If you have typed into your Browser and got the BT Smart Hub 2 Manager up then you are connected to it but not yet connected to the internet.

Follow the instructions perviously given on the other thread you were on to connect to the internet.


Post 14 here


Disable Smart Set up in the Hub manager and do not connect the dsl cable into the phone socket until you have entered and password,. then  plug the dsl cable in and select connect. Your router should then connect and have a blue light on.  

(Just a thought ensure that your computers wireless networks is selected to your new routers network name, The name/numbers on the router . )



Posts: 8
Registered: ‎05-01-2021

Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet

Thanks for your reply LifeonMars! I was referring to the hub manager for my current hub (BT home hub 5) - and only get that manager whilst i have an internet connection.  So tomorrow morning, when I disconnect the old hub, and plug in the smart hub 2 (placing in power cable ONLY and switching on), I should see a new window on my PC - or at least if I enter the 192 address, recognising a new hub? Sorry to be a bit pedantic, but I can't any way forward unless this happens. Thanks again for your help. Shane

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎05-01-2021

Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet

I've been thinking on regarding this issue - am I supposed to have BT Smart Hub 2 manager ALREADY downloaded? I went on to BTs site earlier today, and it appears you cannot get that unless you're a BT customer! So confused by all of this.  After all the faffing around this morning, I plug my old hub back in and it works straight away - never had any problems like this before! Again, thanks to all who have posted solutions - much appreciated! S

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Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet

Just a quick question - have you inputted the new WiFi password for your Smart Hub 2?

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Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet


You really are worrying about nothing Nothing to pre download.

Disconnect your present Home Hub from the mains and unplug the DSL cable

Plug in the new BT Smart Hub 2 to the mains, no other cable connected

Type into the address bar on your computer

This will open the connection manger of the new BT Smart Hub 2  and show on your computer and follow the rest of the instructions already given you. to Connect the new BT Smart hub 2 to the internet.

May I suggest that after unplugging your old BT Hub, do a restart of your computer prior to typing into the address bar  then select the wifi network of the new BT Smart Hub 2 as shown on the back of your router  )

If all fails plug your old hub back in , connecting the DSL cable and select the network name to that hub so your computer connects  and revert back to your old router until you understand how to set it up

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Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet


There is a You tube video here for set up for the BT Smart Hub  to plusnet here

Which is the same for the BT Smart Hub 2  except you can not split the GHz widths on Smart hub 2 but can switch them off.


Make sure you select the New Network on your computer to that of the New Hub

Switch Smart set up to off 

Do not connect the DSL cable into the router until ready to connect, by selecting the tab at top right of Manager page,  remember to type in then your plusnet password (the one you use to connect to your member centre.)

If you have any odd character in your plusnet  password such as %^&*($£@ and the router does not connect then change your plusnet password to another without odd characters until the firmware has been updated. (You will obviously have to reconnect back to your old router to do this) 


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Registered: ‎07-04-2016

Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet


After connecting power  to your new Smart Hub2 make sure that your computer is connected remotely or via cable to the Network name of the new BT Smart hub2  (Details on the back of the new router)    so they can talk to each other

Then type in a browser on your computer 

Then follow all the instructions previously given. 

not forgetting 

Switch Smart set up to off 

Do not connect the DSL cable into the router until ready to connect, by selecting the tab at top right of Manager page,  remember to type in then your plusnet password (the one you use to connect to your member centre.)

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎05-01-2021

Re: BT Home Hub 6 (Smart Hub) on PlusNet

Good morning LifeonMars.  Hub up and running! It was - annoyingly - simple and quick to do! I watched the link to the YouTube video you sent and followed that - worked fine.  Thanks-a-million! The only minor gripe I have is that I can no longer get 'access controls' like I had with my old hub (great for monitoring childrens usage!).  I did try and download the App, but it looks like you have to be a BT customer to actually activate it 😞 . Any other way of getting those controls activated? No worries if not - i'm more than happy just to have the thing running! cheers again, Shane