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Plusnet dishonesty

Rising Star
Posts: 63
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Registered: ‎12-01-2008

Plusnet dishonesty

I ordered an upgrade to fibre on 16.12.2020. I was emailed that day confirmation that the changeover would take place on 23.12 - that's today. I called customer support to get an update. I was told that the changeover is due to take place on 8.1.2021, and that support knew this from 17.12. That's pretty dishonest!

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Re: Plusnet dishonesty

Moderators Note

This topic has been moved from Fibre to My Order 

Customer / Moderator
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Posts: 8
Registered: ‎23-12-2020

Re: Plusnet dishonesty

Like me!

I ordered upgrade on 16th December, was told the upgrade would take place on 23rd December , yesterday! 

Plusnet asked for postage & packaging for router which I paid.... no sign of router but yesterday 23rd December I was informed that the router was now in the post & would take a few days to arrive !!

What a very strange thing for a company like Plusnet to post the router on the day that the upgrade happens ..

I am deaf so can't call them, no online chat available.,  never mind they've got my money so no problem ?


Not happy at all.


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Re: Plusnet dishonesty

Its likely that both your upgrades have been delayed  due to Openreach engineer availability. The plusnet automated system isn't good at informing customers when the original dates get pushed back. It does seem to control the dispatch of the routers though

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Rising Star
Posts: 63
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Registered: ‎12-01-2008

Re: Plusnet dishonesty

"Its likely that both your upgrades have been delayed  due to Openreach engineer availability. The plusnet automated system isn't good at informing customers when the original dates get pushed back."


That's another way of saying they're dishonest. They know what's going on, but they don't tell the customer. Who cares whether it's automated or flown in by carrier pigeon. If the customer pays for something with a promised delivery date, and it doesn't get delivered, and the customer only finds out by complaining, that's called dishonesty.


Community Gaffer
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Re: Plusnet dishonesty

I'm sorry for the lack of proactive communication with your fibre orders

@judeparker1 Your upgrade's due to go ahead on 12/01/2021 before midnight on the day.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎12-01-2008

Re: Plusnet dishonesty

"@judeparker1 Your upgrade's due to go ahead on 12/01/2021 before midnight on the day."

Well that just adds insult to injury. First off it's 23.12.2020. Then I'm not told, but when I complain about missing 23.12,  I find out that it's on 8.1.2021, and that's what the ticket #209639086 says

"As discussed, your modify to fibre order is committed and due to complete on 08/01/21."

Now you pop out of the woodwork and tell me it's even later. What the hell has gone wrong with your company? And who should I believe? This is utterly disgraceful.

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Re: Plusnet dishonesty

@breslaw The second part of that post looks to be aimed at another poster, as per the tag?

Rising Star
Posts: 63
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Registered: ‎12-01-2008

Re: Plusnet dishonesty

My mistake.  I apologise, especially to Gandalf. Sorry.

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎23-12-2020

Re: Plusnet dishonesty

Thank you for your communication regarding my order.


There seems to be someone else replying to my emails, I can assure you that I would not be so rude.


I asked where my router was as I should have upgraded on 23rd but no router arrived.


I've had my answer that it will not upgrade until next month now!


As far as I'm  concerned I will not be writing on this Community page any more , it is embarrassing 

Rising Star
Posts: 63
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Registered: ‎12-01-2008

Re: Plusnet dishonesty

"There seems to be someone else replying to my emails,"

That was me. I'm sorry, in my haste, I failed to notice that Gandalf's message was intended for you, not me.

"I can assure you that I would not be so rude."

I didn't think I was being rude, rather upset at poor service from  company that in the past has always behaved honestly.

My apologies again.

Seasoned Pro
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Registered: ‎28-09-2020

Re: Plusnet dishonesty

No worries. I’m sure everybody gets the frustration by the lack of communication. Fingers crossed your upgrade goes through as re-planned on the 8th.