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VoiceMail removal

Posts: 240
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Registered: ‎28-10-2016

VoiceMail removal

Well, I've only been waiting for this since I've been using PlusNet.  About 3 years since, I moved from Virgin to PlusNet and asked for VoiceMail to be removed because it wouldn't allow me to remove it within my account.  I've periodically tried (in vain) to get it done, the last time some 10 days ago.  Tonight, I had to work so I decided as I was going to be by the phone, I'd have yet another go.  Tonight (Monday, 21st October 2019), I have spoken with some really helpful support guys and girls, I've chatted with Ricardo and Keeley, with Martin, Simon and Gary over the last 2 or so hours and now I'm awaiting a call back from Raymond.  It's now 2152hrs and to be honest, I'm not holding my breath.  Don't get me wrong, everyone has been very willing to help and have tried their very best, I'm sure.  I still am not able to alter any features on my account because of this issue so after wasting another 3 hours of my life, I'm still no further forward.  One of the guys bandied about that I could have a new account opened and change my user / pass and (basically) start again but I really do not want to have to do that so what to do next...  Perhaps some kind CEO from PlusNet could take this on board and slap some bottoms for me to get it resolved because I really don't want to have to go back to VM to have an account that actually does as it says on the tin so to speak.  If I ran my own business like this, I'd be claiming Social Security...  I suppose that's the benefit of being so big, the little man doesn't matter.  I say bring back the GPO, at least I know my local engineer then, all very sad...

Live long and prosper!
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: VoiceMail removal


Hi @adrianscotter,

Looking at your phone line, voicemail isn't active and the order history on the line doesn't appear to go back far enough for me to confirm when this was removed.


Having said this, I do apologise for any inconvenience caused by being unable to make amendments to your call features via the member centre. I've raised a task with the relevant department to get this resolved for you and would expect this task to be picked up within the next couple of days.


Thank you for your patience.

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 Harry Beesley
Posts: 240
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Registered: ‎28-10-2016

Re: VoiceMail removal

Hi @HarryB and thanks for taking an interest and looking at this, I do appreciate it but its already gone above your pay grade to Raymond Drake that was supposed to call me back last night by 2200hrs.  As usual, nothing happened.  The only suggestion so far has been to delete my account and recreate it which is laughable at best and insulting at worst.  I am aware that the voicemail is not available on the line, it hasn't been for about 3 years.  What I do have is a locked account that won't let me do anything with the phone because it still thinks the voicemail removal is in progress. 


Well, all I can say it this, if it takes 3 years to remove 1 item, PlusNet are in deep, deep poop when it comes to reacting to customers.  I'm willing to bet if I wanted an upgrade for something that cost more money each month, this thing would have been sorted out a long, long time ago.

Live long and prosper!
Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Re: VoiceMail removal

Thanks for getting back to us @adrianscotter 

We fixed this for you this morning at around 9AM. If you log into your account, you should find your call features are reflecting what's in the supplier system now. I hope this helps.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 240
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Registered: ‎28-10-2016

Re: VoiceMail removal

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!  Three years and it's finally fixed!  Thanks to @HarryB and @Gandalf for getting it done.  I wish I'd have come to the forum first, I could have saved myself about 15 hours in total on the phones and chat.  Perfect!  Thanks guys, very much appreciated.

Live long and prosper!
Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Registered: ‎21-04-2017

Re: VoiceMail removal

Excellent! 👍 Sorry that the steps we took weren't the steps previous advisers did. 🙁

I'd personally give the credit to @HarryB for responding in the early hours of the morning. 😬

Feel free to let us know if there's anything else you'd need help with. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi