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A messy transfer from TalkTalk

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Registered: ‎17-12-2019

A messy transfer from TalkTalk


In September I decided to switch to Plusnet from TalkTalk and was told that everything would be transferred to my new host on 16th October. This appeared to go relatively smoothly after an engineer had called to check the line. I week or so later I realised that I was unable to receive most incoming calls and contacted Plusnet. Since then they have made numerous efforts to fix this problem, with no success whatsoever.

At the same that I noticed that the porting of my account had been only partially successful, I noticed that TalkTalk are still charging me for a service that I no longer receive - any phone calls that I make appear on my Plusnet bills, and my broadband is supplied by Plusnet. All TalkTalk does is grab most of my incoming calls. So what am I exactly paying them for?

After failing to get TalkTalk to stop billing me for a service that I no longer receive I contacted Ofcom today for advice. They advised me that Plusnet should have sorted these problems out for me, as it is their duty to do so. Who do I contact at Plusnet to sort things out? Put simply, this sending me bills for services that I stopped receiving months ago has to stop. Incidentally, TalkTalk are currently pleading ignorance, saying that Plusnet did not tell them of my migration to a new ISP, yet I contacted them in writing on 4th November to confirm that I was no longer a customer of theirs, and Plusnet has been in contact with them regarding the incoming calls problem.

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Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

Hi @spounderUK 


I'm sorry to hear about the issues surrounding your number port. 


Sometimes, the previous provider doesn't release the number in time for activation which makes it appear you still have service with them on their end. Checking over your situation this is exactly the case and not caused by Plusnet. 

I can see it is in hand with the correct team here I can see a review date for the release of the number from the previous provider is set for the 20th. At this point, the team will contact the number porting team to try and get this assigned to your line. 


Kind Regards 

Posts: 10
Registered: ‎17-12-2019

Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

So meanwhile, do I ignore the bills that TalkTalk send me?

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

Hi @spounderUK


The physical line has been taken over it is just getting the number assigned. They should be aware of this and I'm sorry that you have been given the runaround. 


I would ignore the letters for now until the number port completes. Once complete, contact them to let them know. Did you receive a letter from them at all regarding you leaving on X date?

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Registered: ‎17-12-2019

Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

Thanks for the advice OllieC. I did not receive any communication from them concerning my leaving date. this triggered a red flag, which led to me contacting them firstly by phone, and then by mail on 4th November, to make sure that they were aware that I was no longer with them. Their current defence of "we didn't know" is pretty weak.


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Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

Thanks for getting back to us @spounderUK.


To be honest looking over this I'm not sure why this would be, as when we took over the line they should have been notified. I can see we are due an update Friday so the team will get back to you then once we know more.


Please do just get back to us if you have any further queries in the meantime.

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 Lauren Barry
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

An update.Talktalk have still not completed the transfer of my phone line, so I am unable to receive most incoming calls, but I can dial out via plusnet. Talktalk is still sending me bills but is not telling me what I am paying for (My broadband line was switched to Plusnet on October 16th so I should not be paying for anything from that date). I contacted Ofcom a few weeks ago for advice, and they advised me that Plusnet should have sorted this out for me as they are the new provider. So how do I get Plusnet to act? Plusnet have given me a number of dates on which they claim that the porting problem will be fixed, yet when that day arrives, nothing happens and I am given a new date. It seems to be going on forever.

Not being able to receive incoming calls two months after the transfer date given to me by Plusnet is unacceptable. Also, will Plusnet comment on these bills that Talktalk keep sending me and get Talktalk to stop sending them? Presumably Plusnet will have recorts of what was switched and when, to back up my  argument that I have nothing to pay Talktalk.

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Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

Thanks for getting back to us @spounderUK

Our suppliers have advised that the port they requested to complete today failed on TalkTalk's end.

Unfortunately, the relevant team we need to speak to on TalkTalk's end regarding this aren't in at this time of the evening.

I've asked a colleague to chase this up tomorrow morning for you and we'll update you as soon as we know more.

Apologies for the continued inconvenience

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 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

Thank you for your patience @spounderUK. I'm very sorry that your number hasn't yet ported from TalkTalk and for the inconvenience that this issue has caused you.

I have been in touch with our suppliers and they have contacted TalkTalk to check on the progress of your number port. TalkTalk have advised that there is an issue at the exchange that is delaying the port and that they are working to get this resolved as soon as possible. Our suppliers have raised an escalation on this due to the amount of time that it is taking TalkTalk to resolve this and have confirmed that they will be monitoring this with them. They have told us that there should be an update by 02/01/20 and we will contact you once we have this.


For data protection reasons, we wouldn't be able to discuss your bills with TalkTalk. However, you may find it helpful to send them a copy of your bills that show that you have been paying line rental to us since joining us. You can view your bills on the member centre here. In addition to this, our suppliers system shows that the order to move your line to us completed on 15/10/19 and so your payments to TalkTalk would have stopped on this date had the porting issue not occurred. 

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 Emily D
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

Thank you for the update Emily. Talktalk wrote to me today restating their claim that they were not informed of the migration by Plusnet, and so I remained a customer of theirs until December 16th. Could you give me a definitive answer on this - when did you contact Talktalk? Also, presumably Openreach will have records of when my service was switched? It would be useful for me to have confirmation of this date when providing evidence that I stopped using their services long before their December 16th date.

I feel that it is wrong that Talktalk are trying to take money from me for services that I stopped receiving months go. Incidentally, I informed Talktalk in writing that I was no longer a customer at the start of November and they ignored that mail.

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Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

Thanks for getting back to us @spounderUK

I've updated the open ticket with confirmation on when both your phone and broadband transferred to ourselves.

Let us know if there's anything else we can help with

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 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎17-12-2019

Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

Talktalk were due to finish the switching today and claimed to have done so, yet I still cannot receive incoming calls. Isn't the solution for me to get a new telephone number? I have now been without a fully functioning telephone for over two and a half months.

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Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

Thanks for getting back to us @spounderUK

We've tried dialing the number and it appears to be working now from what we can see.

Can you confirm the phone still isn't working on your end?

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 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎17-12-2019

Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

No. It is still not working. I have not received any incoming calls today, and when I dial using my mobile the phone does not ring.

Posts: 10
Registered: ‎17-12-2019

Re: A messy transfer from TalkTalk

This shows well the problem I have been having since the migration. People phone me up and can hear the dialling dialling tone yet the call does not reach my phone. It does not ring, and if I lift the phone while somebody is attempting to call me, I hear nothing. A few people can get through to me on this line. I have given you their numbers above.