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phone not working

Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎06-10-2018

phone not working

hi, i have been trying to contact plus net to report my home phone not working for about 7 weeks, online chat is never available,and it tells my to phone them, how with no phone ??????. i try from work but have to give up after waiting my lunch break, when i eventually got through to chat line, they open a question on the 1/10/18 still no contact from then, how do i get something done ???.

Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: phone not working

Hi @bigGW,

I'm very sorry for the trouble that you've had getting in touch with us and for any inconvenience that this has caused. I'll pass on feedback regarding your poor experience here.

I can see from the ticket that you've been through the troubleshooting checks on your side. Testing from our side isn't picking up the cause of the problem so we'll need to arrange an engineer visit so that this can be investigated further. Please can you reply to the ticket here with your availability for a visit. If you drop us another message on here once you've done this, we'll pick this back up for you and get the engineer booked in for the earliest available suitable appointment.

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Emily D
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎08-10-2018

Re: phone not working

This is a similar situation to the one I am experiencing.  Spent 20 minutes waiting for a call to be picked up, during the evening last week, to report a problem but have heard nothing since.  I had tried during the day to get an answer but 30 to 40 minutes was the waiting time; considered evenings might be better but suspect staff numbers are reduced even further just to keep the wait time constant.

It would be nice if it were possible to contact Help & Support by email to give a clear description of the symptoms being experienced.  The online help options are very limited.

I read a blog from a long term user of Plusnet who expressed his opinion the service was so much better before the BT takeover.  I also used Plusnet several years ago and was happy with the service but if I cannot get support then may need to pay more to receive a service that is supportive. 

Community Gaffer
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Re: phone not working

@MALTINGS55, sorry for the long wait times to contact us. We're very aware of this and we're working to reduce this. I've tested your line and line tests aren't showing any issues. Have you tried a different phone handset(Ideally a corded one) plugged into the test socket as explained Here?

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎08-10-2018

Re: phone not working

Anoush, all tests, as suggested on the website have been tried.  There is no test socket on the base connection.  A corded phone has been used to check the connection without success.

Incoming calls have been made to check the line and whilst the phones ring on picking up the receiver the line is not opened so the incoming caller only hears the line ringing until it connects to the messaging service.  As an incoming call is making the connection and the receivers are receiving an incoming call signal, testing of the line will, evidently identify the line is without fault.  However, from the subscriber end, there is no dialling tone and the line does not open when an incoming call is answered.  Therefore a fault within the exchange system is more likely.

Trust now that we have exchanged more instructive information action can be taken.

Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎06-10-2018

Re: phone not working

hi, after getting a response from plus net i  replied, and then we stop again 3 days on and still waiting, i wish plus net would stop apologising for there bad service and do something about it.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: phone not working




Thanks for the update - I've updated the fault ticket on your account here.


If you can let us know when you've responded that would be great.


Best wishes



Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: phone not working


@bigGW - I have updated your fault ticket here with confirmation of your engineer appointment.





Posts: 7
Registered: ‎08-10-2018

Re: phone not working

It is now 15 minutes to the end of the third period advised when personnel would be present at the property to receive an engineer.  So far there has been no word from and engineer and the three periods are almost over.  What happens now?

The phone line has been out of action for two weeks and no active response to correct the fault.  What must we do?

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: phone not working



I'm sorry that the ticket wasn't picked up in time, this is why we ask for a nudge on the forums so that we can arrange this for you. The ticket is sent into a pool and handled by a different department. If you can let us know when you are available, and respond to us on the forums once you have done this, then we can book this for you as we get a notification when you respond on here.


Please update your availability for us on your ticket once again.

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎08-10-2018

Re: phone not working

Additional time slots now added to the Ticket number TR0000009690955.

Wednesday 17th October all day and Friday 19th October, all day.

Please push this forward.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: phone not working


I've taken a look into this and raised a response to you via the open ticket on your account which can be viewed here. Please let us know if you have any further issues beyond the timeframe laid out in the ticket and we'll be happy to investigate further.

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Alex H
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎06-10-2018

Re: phone not working

Hello , my phone has now been fixed on Friday 12/10, yet again it was not my equipment or even on my property but the green junction box down the road. thanks to the BT engineer who sorted the problem for me, its just a shame it took so long to get through to report the problrm.

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎08-10-2018

Re: phone not working

You are very lucky bigGW, my phone line still remains inactive after 15 days after being informed a fault had been reported.

Advice that an Engineer would be carrying out corrective action proved to be incorrect or what was done did not result positively.  The lack of information on what is going on is so annoying.  

Not a happy customer at present.

Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Re: phone not working

Sorry for the issues you've had.

From what I can see an engineer has since been out and rectified the fault.

Line tests aren't showing any issues now. Are you experiencing problems still? 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi