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Phone line not working

Posts: 2
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Registered: ‎26-04-2020

Phone line not working

My daughter has had no broadband for several days - she managed to check her line yesterday and has no dial tone. She has been unable to contact support line using her mobile. Are there any known issues in the Mumbles area of Swansea please?

Posts: 476
Thanks: 125
Fixes: 8
Registered: ‎09-04-2016

Re: Phone line not working

Welcome to the Forum @Cliffview18 

If there have been any Plusnet People around in the forum today, they haven't picked up your post. Perhaps tomorrow........

I wasn't clear what you meant by your daughter checking her line. Did she run through the series of checks at  They include a line test which would probably report faults to Plusnet/Openreach. Of course, that all depends on whether she still has internet, albeit intermittently.

If she has already run those tests ask her to look on her Plusnet account to see if the line test has created a ticket. You can check for tickets here -

Please let us know how she gets on.

Posts: 2
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎26-04-2020

Re: Phone line not working


Hi - Thanks for the reply.

She has not had internet for nearly a week - so could not run a line test even if she knew how to - and had to borrow a phone to try testing the line - i.e. by plugging it into the master socket, and found there was no dial tone. She had tried innumerable times to get though to the helpline, but was unable to do so. She was getting quite distressed as she was by then running out of mobile phone credit too, and asked for my help. With the current situation in force we are not able to go to her house and try to check things out, and she is not able to go to a neighbours to use their internet connection. She was in any case unaware of her plusnet account. I tried to access her Plusnet account in order to report the fault, but was unable to - she was not sure she had remembered the password correctly.  Several attempts I made to ring the helpline were also unsucessful.

She finally managed to get through to the help line yesterday afternoon, and report the line fault, but was quite upset as she felt they were rather dismissive of the problems she had been having, especially as they were apparently able to access her Plusnet account, using the password as she remembered it, although I have tried it again since and still cannot get access. So how we are supposed to track the progress of the fault I am not sure. We obviously have to wait for the line fault to be checked/fixed - and take it from there.


Posts: 476
Thanks: 125
Fixes: 8
Registered: ‎09-04-2016

Re: Phone line not working

Thanks for letting us know. Hopefully the fault will be cleared quickly; I would expect the engineer to ring on the repaired line to check it is working so don't worry about tracking the fault. Repairing the phone may well sort the internet as well.

The procedures are even stranger than you think: last time I lost phone and internet they sent me an email telling me that I had reported a fault. As I recall from speaking to technical support that time, they can use other means of verifying the caller apart from the password and I wonder if they did in this case; anyhow the password is an issue for the future.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 2,511
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Registered: ‎26-03-2018

Re: Phone line not working

Hi @Cliffview18,

I'm sorry to hear that your daughter is experiencing these issues with her service. So that we can take a further look into this one please could you send me a private message with her account details attached?

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 Alex H
 Plusnet Help Team