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Phone Line Fault

Posts: 10
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎18-10-2018

Phone Line Fault

I am posting on behalf of my 75 year old mother. Her phone line has not been working since yesterday. There is no dial tone and incoming calls are going straight to voicemail. I have done all the usual steps the troubleshooter and run the line test which comes back as - 

The result of your line check is unclear.

Please can someone help me with this, she relies on her landline as her mobile signal is poor at home.

Posts: 10
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎18-10-2018

Re: Phone Line Fault

I have now managed to get a fault raised on her account by messaging through Facebook but no response from anyone at Plusnet to this- can anybody help????

Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Registered: ‎21-04-2017

Re: Phone Line Fault

Thanks for your post @AW 

I'm sorry for the problems with your mother's phone. I've checked the fault report with our suppliers and I can see they've indicated to us that there's a major service outage in the area that they're working to fix as soon as possible.

Based on what you've said if your mother is vulnerable without a phone, I'd like to ask that you complete the additional support form on the account which can be found by going here

In addition we can look at raising an emergency welfare case with our suppliers however there'd be specific criteria we'd need to meet for Openreach to accept one. Could I ask that you respond to this ticket Here if she has a careline pendant and/or medical conditions? If she does have medical conditions, would you be able to provide some detail?

If you can post back once you've responded we can make sure this is picked back up as soon as we can.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 10
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎18-10-2018

Re: Phone Line Fault

Thanks for replying. My mum doesn't have any medical issues but lives alone and feels very isolated without a landline. I have completed the additional support form to this effect and requested an additional account contact to be set up(me). As with every other post on this forum I must say plus nets customer service is hopeless at the moment. I tried calling (lost the will to live after 40mins of Xmas songs)Twitter, Facebook, and the community forum all to establish there is a major local fault- this has taken 6 days in total.
Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
Posts: 26,599
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Registered: ‎21-04-2017

Re: Phone Line Fault

Thanks for getting back to me @AW 

I apologise for the difficulties you've had in getting through to us.

I've spoken with a colleague from our additional support team and while we appreciate the concern, this doesn't meet the criteria for us to be able to raise an emergency welfare case with Openreach.

We'll monitor the progress and we'll provide an update as soon as we know more.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi