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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎06-06-2008


Signed up for HomePhone Plus service based on the extremely positive experience I had when I became a Plusnet Broadband customer a few months ago.
I also recommended a neighbour to the Plusnet Broadband service based on that experience so to say I have been disappointed by the experience on the HomePhone plus changeover is putting it mildly.
Having completed the sign-up process and received confirmation of the DD being set-up I waited, and waited, and waited and then I emailed customers services.
The response was as if I had only just applied for the service rather than waiting weeks.
I currently have about 3 or 4 questions outstanding re my HomePhone plus package with no responses to date. Is the phone service support part of Plusnet or is it third party? Either way my experience is that it has fallen way short of the BB service. Is it just me or are their others who feel the same.??  Cry Angry Angry Angry
Not applicable

Re: Disappointed

No response from PN? Probably due to Mand being poorly (hope that you are feeling better now Mand).
This does not seem to be typical - most changeovers seem to be very smooth with no problems.
Have had Homephone for more than a year now with no major problems. Hope that someone comes along and gives it a nudge!
Posts: 5,560
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Disappointed

Hi there,
I'm sorry to hear that you are disappointed with our phone service so far.
I've had a quick look at your account and cannot see any open tickets, can you let me know what your current outstanding questions are (either here or in a PM if you'd rather) and I'll gladly answer them for you.
I will also pass on feedback to our content team with regard to ensuring the emails which are sent are clearer regarding the timescales for a switch of telephony services.
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Registered: ‎25-06-2007

Re: Disappointed

I had a problem when I signed up Anytime +, the change over did not happen on the day BT said it would. I raised a question which still not been answered. See 25370618
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Disappointed

Hi Dan,
It looks like your home phone service was activated on the 17th.
I'll make sure the necessary changes are made to your account.
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Disappointed

Your home phone component is showing as active to me, is this still a problem for you?
Aspiring Hero
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Registered: ‎25-06-2007

Re: Disappointed

The point I was making was I still have an un answered question.
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Disappointed

Hi Dan,
That's fair enough.  somehow you've managed to raise a ticket into an unmonitored ticket pool.  I've now closed your ticket and I hope everything is working fine for you.
Aspiring Hero
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Registered: ‎25-06-2007

Re: Disappointed

I've closed the call, Phone service is working fine.
Thanks for you help.