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Posts: 1,103
Registered: ‎24-06-2009


Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Automated calls

Hi James,
This isn't something that we've instigated as we don't give out your telephone numbers.
We do offer anonymous call reject for £4 a month, but you may wish to try speaking to the Telephone Preference Service, or by going to their website at
Posts: 1,103
Registered: ‎24-06-2009

Re: Automated calls

Posts: 1,850
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Registered: ‎17-06-2007

Re: Automated calls

I'm with TPS (and have been for about 9 years) and I get them too. Caribbean cruises anyone?
No number available if you try to find out, no marketing information, simply a "Press 9 now" thing which I haven't done.. not because I think its going to hijack my line or force a redial on an expensive number but because I can't be bothered.
If the company is outside the UK (and as the ones I've been getting have been going on for over 4 years and probably originate from the US) then the TPS can do nothing. Also if they pitch it as a marketing/research call they seem to be exempt too.
If you do try to get details like the company name from the minion of the other end of the line (they usually hang up) the TPS rarely does anything unless they get a lot of complaints.
Posts: 19,107
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Automated calls

I've been registered with TPS and also ex-directory for years. Rarely do I get any of these automated calls, usually US. I usually hang up without saying anything, some others have recommended just leave the phone off the hook for 5 mins by which time they've usually finished their message.
If it's a live call, tell them not to ring again - if they do, give them the run around.
I had no problems as a result of transfering to PN.
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: Automated calls

The worst one for me is TalkTalk who, to get round TPS, ask for some fictitious name and when told they have the wrong number ask if I am the person who pays the telephone bill then start their sales talk. If they are not on the phone they are knocking at the door.
Posts: 550
Registered: ‎20-04-2008

Re: Automated calls

I started getting a number of such calls, at a time when a family member was terminally ill; you may imagine the distress. Placing "anonymous call reject" on my line proved a waste of time; the caller ID displayed "out of area" and the calls came through anyway! When the hospital did call, they had to call through their switchboard via a BT line. Inconvenience all round!
By the way, I have been registered with TPS for years. It seems all you can do is ignore/bawl out the callers.
Posts: 19,107
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Automated calls

Not if they are UK based, they are breaking the law and TPS will act if they continue to be a nuisance. Make sure you speak to a Manager/Supervisor when you tell them not to call again, get their name and tell them you will report the company if they call again.
Never had a problem with any of the CPW group and I was with TalkTalk and OneTel for a few years. Did get a letter from TalkTalk the other day though, first communication for well over a year telling me about their latest deals. Don't know why they bothered they should know we're not an LLU exchange, that's what I call incompetent Sales management!
Posts: 4,068
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: Automated calls

I've never had phone calls from TalkTalk, but I do receive something through the post from them about twice a month.  We used to receive quite a few sales calls, not the automated ones though.  Since we've registered with TPS about 18 months ago we've only had a couple.  Both times I've asked them where they have got my number from as I'm registered with TPS and they've hung up before I even finish the sentence!

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