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Still getting terrible lag

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎08-10-2016

Still getting terrible lag

​Ever since I bought FIFA 17 I've been getting terrible lag when playing online. At the outset I should say that I'm using a cable and not playing wireless. Also, my NAT Type is always open. My download speed is usually around 5.70, sometimes as high as 6. Packet loss fluctuates from 0 up to 9 and the ping can fluctuate from 200 up to even 1250. I'm on IPV4 and have been online to see how to get onto IPV6, however when I went into my PC settings the IPV6 box was already checked, despite my console reporting that I am on IPV4. The problem isn't just with FIFA . The only other game I play online if Full House Poker on my 360 and  when I'm on the screen where you can select whose game to join the connection strength by the side of their names is often one red bar.  Finally, my ISP sent me a new router the other day and still the problem persists. If anyone can help I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

Here is a list of things that have been tried, none of which have solved the problem

1. Clearing persistent storage

2. Selecting Alternative MAC address

3. Port Forwarding, using the codes issued by both EA and Microsoft

4. Unplugging all cables, then connecting them after 5 mins

5. Disabling the firewall in my router settings

6. Enabling DMZ from my router settings

7. Setting up a static IP address.

Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Still getting terrible lag

Do you still have the console in the DMZ? If you do then are you able to set up a ping monitor here. It may help us identify what's going on.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎08-10-2016

Re: Still getting terrible lag

Thanks for getting back to me Bob, I really appreciate it. I'm not sure what you mean by having the console in DMZ. I had to go into my router settings from my PC to change the DMZ. Is it possible to do that from the console? When I went into the router settings to change the DMZ I then checked to see if it had made a difference to the  ping, but it didn't, so I put the DMZ back to its original setting.

Posts: 5,497
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Still getting terrible lag

You need to put the console in the DMZ from the router.   The router will then treat it differently to other devices/computers on your internal network.

Kelly Dorset
Ex-Broadband Service Manager