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Crysis 2

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Registered: ‎15-06-2007

Crysis 2

I don't think I will be buying it - effectively single player only as multiplayer is a total shambles at present - but it is on offer at half price from the EA Store but 9.48GB download
Aspiring Pro
Posts: 3,240
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Registered: ‎31-07-2007

Re: Crysis 2

It's one a few recent releases that all failed to deliver on the hype, the common factor is EA.  Personally I didn't like Crysis to begin with after EA took over, as its a cash cow and Crysis2 is just the same.  As it is now, if EA has a hand in a game I am more likely to not buy it.
As a PC gamer to date they have spoiled;
Crysis, they tried to cash in on the name but its not a Crytek game, dodgy ballistics/NPC AI
Crysis 2 see Crysis repeat EA itus
Mass Effect 2, consoled to hell and back and dumbed down
Dragon Age 2, released a game that wasn't complete with reused interior maps, again dumbed down
FTTP 500 regrade from Tues 28th November
Posts: 285
Registered: ‎31-03-2011

Re: Crysis 2

I was in the crysis 2 beta a while back its nothing special just another console port but at least it runs well but feels clunky.