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COD 4 Antilag

Posts: 160
Registered: ‎01-08-2007

COD 4 Antilag

If you play COD4 on line and have a lowish ping you may have noticed people killing you before you even see them come round corners and people also "teleporting" on top of you for instant knife kills. This is due to the network coding and antilag. What antilag does is try and compensate for people having high pings against those with low pings. It just tends to make the gameplay feel wrong and random.
The only way round this so far unless IW re-enable the antilag off option for servers is to find a COD server with a low ping limit that will not allow high ping players to join. If that was fixed it would be a very good game on line.
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Re: COD 4 Antilag

In bf2 servers I know that you get booted for high ping set by the server admins is that not so in COD4?
I also have my settings in multi player not to show servers with higher pings than 300ms.
Posts: 195
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: COD 4 Antilag

Quote from: jrgrahamcov
The only way round this so far unless IW re-enable the antilag off option for servers

As far as i know that option has never been disabled.
its certainly available on our server  Wink
Posts: 105
Registered: ‎09-08-2007

Re: COD 4 Antilag

you can set the high ping rate option on a cod4 server, just the same as you can switch off that pesky 'give your position away' kill-cam.
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Re: COD 4 Antilag

it seems that tiscali are blocking COD4 on-line play due it been done over P2P.
Do you think PlusNet treat the traffic as gaming and thus titanium or P2P and bronze?
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Posts: 102
Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: COD 4 Antilag

I played CoD4 online for the first time last night for about 3 or 4 hours.
Worked great and no lag at all.
Posts: 1,093
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Registered: ‎08-04-2007

Re: COD 4 Antilag

Quote from: iainmacmillan can switch off that pesky 'give your position away' kill-cam.

Cheesy Not too good if you are a sniper!
Posts: 360
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Registered: ‎02-08-2007

Re: COD 4 Antilag

9 times out 10, my connection on COD4 on XBL is down to 3 out of 4 bars.  To me, this really does make a difference when everyone else has 4 bar connections.
If I come up against someone head on, we'll both shoot, and i'll end up dead. Then when I watch the kill cam, He came round the corner earlier, saw me, and shot me, and usually I haven't even fired.
All due to my data getting to the host slower than there's.
If I end up being the host, the game is totally different for me, and usually everyone connects to me full strength too.
That's why i'm trying this gamers package, but i'm still not hopeful it's going to improve my connection. As when i'm usually on the XBL it's when the US seem to be on too.
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: COD 4 Antilag

Hi Griff,
If you like then we can certainly try removing interleaving for you to see if this does help to improve your latency and thus lag issues.
Posts: 360
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Registered: ‎02-08-2007

Re: COD 4 Antilag

Thanks James.
If I remember correctly, I think I had issues with disconnections at some point, and after contacting PN it went stable, with a lower connecton speed. So only presume it was initially off and then got switched on.
My current line stats (as of 11:00 today) are ...
Attenuation: 56db down, 28 up
SNR: 7.6db down, 19db up
... which I don't think are too great, so i'll leave it on for now and if the package doesn't help, I may try switching it off at some point.
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: COD 4 Antilag

Thanks Griff.
That sounds like a sensible approach.  Remember, we can get interleaving removed within 1 working day, so it's not the end of the world if your connection goes a bit choppy as we can get that fixed pretty quickly.
Posts: 287
Registered: ‎04-08-2007

Re: COD 4 Antilag

This is going to be a long post.
Please correct me if I am wrong, I am pretty certain Call of Duty is built on the Quake engine with a modified Graphics Subsystem for DirectX 10 in the case of CoD:4 instead of OpenGL 2.0.
This is a notorious thing in the Quake Engine todo with the Network subsystem and response etc...
Snapshots are sent from the server to the client containting all the other clients info etc.
Alot of Quake 3 Based games use 20 snapshots (20Hz) by default.
20Hz = every 50 milliseconds, it caches actions over the 50ms for players with higher cl_maxpacket values.
Clients send packets updating usually (out-of-the-box) at 30Hz (cl_maxpackets).
The server, if it is missing data from the client,
will "predict" client movement and send responses to all the other clients.
it uses a set of mathematical functions to put the player,
halfway between their last position and nowhere basically.
There is also "cl_packetdup" - How many duplicate packets are sent, this is usually set to "1".
Say a player was firing in the last packet sent, it will resort to the duplicate packet if the server fails to recieve the client packet in time,
it appear as thoug they are firing, when they weren't client side.
The other thing is, with anti-lag, it will compare the time difference of the responses with previous snapshots upto that time difference,
so you could have moved 4/5 paces and bullets are landing far behind you in real time,  but the backwards checking makes it appear unfair to those with better setups, and it is in reality.
High pings - Quake based games, have server side settings for "Max-Pings".
because of the engine design, if you set it any lower than 600 no one can connect 1st time to the server,
you have to connect serveral times before you can enter the server.