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fttc speeds

Posts: 11
Registered: ‎06-09-2010

fttc speeds

Here's the speeds we're getting since the fttc installation (the first one was done on installation day)

As you can see I'm getting decent download speeds (compared to the ~3mbps we had before) although nothing as exciting as some have been reporting even though we're only about 125 yards from the cab... (that wire must take quite a route).
It's the upload speed that's the bother. As a graphic designer, I frequently need to email or upload images & graphics files to clients and they are going pretty slowly! Any ideas why this may be?
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: fttc speeds

Hi Phil,
Just run a quick test on your line to see what it's sync'd at and it shows as the full speed in both directions:
Downstream Speed 39.999 Mbps
Upstream Speed 9.999001 Mbps
In the recent history it hasn't sync'd any lower.
I think this is the first upload speed problem we've had so I'll suggest few things see if we can try and pin down where the problem is. The post likely places that could cause the problem are PC, wireless connection, router, BT network, our network.
Have you tried another PC?
Have you tried connecting wired if you're using wireless?
Can you run the BT Speedtest and see what result that gives?
Can you try and connect a PC to the BT modem direct and run a speedtest (details how below)?
Those should rule in/out whether it's your PC, the router or your wireless. And the BT speedtest might give a clue as to where the problem is depending on the result it gives. If the speed is the same in all cases then we can raise to BT to investigate (I can't see anything obvious on our side).
Let me know how you get on.
Instructions to connect a PC direct to the BT Modem:
You can connect a PC direct to the BT modem instead of using a router, this is useful for diagnostic tests as it may give a better error message than the PC and will eliminate the router as the cause of the issues.
Switch the BT modem off
Plug the ethernet cable in to the BT modem and the PC
Switch the BT modem on
The setup is done as follows, create a dial-up PPPoE connection.
Go to Control Panel -> Network Connections
Create a new connection
Connect to the Internet
Set up my Connection Manually
Connect using a broadband connection that requires a username and password (PPPoE)
ISP Name - Plusnet
Enter the broadband username and password
Finish and click Connect
If you use Windows 7 it will try and test the connection during the setup, this will fail and give you an error. Click Skip or Continue and then after clicking finish right click the new connection icon and click properties. Under Service Name enter Plusnet then click OK. Then double click the new connection icon and click connect.
Make sure you have a firewall switched on before connecting as your PC will be connected direct to the Internet.
Dave Tomlinson
Enterprise Architect - Network & OSS
Plusnet Technology
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎06-09-2010

Re: fttc speeds

Thanks for the reply, Dave
Your line test matches what the engineer said when he tested the line during the installation. I have tried a few speed tests (including the BT one) and they have all been roughly the same but I shall do the BT one again now (along with your other suggestions), so that I can post the result. Cheers Phil
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: fttc speeds

Ta, the BT speedtest will also show what your speed profile is set to which may show something that my tests don't if it's set wrong for example.
Dave Tomlinson
Enterprise Architect - Network & OSS
Plusnet Technology
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎06-09-2010

Re: fttc speeds

BT speed test result (connected through supplied Netgear N150 via ethernet):-
Download speedachieved during the test was - 13223 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis 12000-38717 Kbps .
Additional Information:
IP Profile for your line is -38717 Kbps
Upload speed achieved during the test was - 273 Kbps
Additional Information:
Upstream Rate IP profile on your line is - 10000 Kbps

BT test directly through modem:-
Download speedachieved during the test was - 10547 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis 12000-38717 Kbps .
Additional Information:
IP Profile for your line is -38717 Kbps
Upload speed achieved during the test was - 227 Kbps
Additional Information:
Upstream Rate IP profile on your line is - 10000 Kbps
It asked me to do the third test (connection login "speedtest@speedtest_domain") because of the speed being outside the acceptable range but the test stalled at "Verifying User Details..."

I'll try another PC when my wife gets home with her laptop.

Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 12,284
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: fttc speeds

OK, if the laptop's the same then we'll get a fault raised for you.
Dave Tomlinson
Enterprise Architect - Network & OSS
Plusnet Technology
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎06-09-2010

Re: fttc speeds

OK Dave, here's the results...
desktop again (so that the laptop results can be seen next to results from the same time, traffic-wise)

Laptop wi-fi

Laptop wired

BT speed test result on wired Laptop
up: 24857kbps
down: 5297kbps

So it would appear to be a PC problem...
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎06-09-2010

Re: fttc speeds

so , I rooted around for an alternative network driver and the second one I tried did this:-

Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 12,284
Thanks: 388
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: fttc speeds

Excellent Smiley glad that's sorted. Think that's another one we need to add to the list. Thanks.
Dave Tomlinson
Enterprise Architect - Network & OSS
Plusnet Technology
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎06-09-2010

Re: fttc speeds

thanks for the help