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Full fibre FTTP from PN?

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Registered: ‎19-11-2018

Full fibre FTTP from PN?

Any more news on PN offering full fibre

I’ve had great service from PN and I’m due to renew in June/July and I don’t want to be tied into an 18 month contract unless FTTP is on the horizon.

1Gbps went live in my street last week and BT/Openreach aren’t installing anyway due to Covid. But hoping by June we will all be back to normal, and I can make a decision about my BB.

I’d like to stay with PN for FTTP. Any hints from them this may be happening soon ?
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Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?

Moderators Note
This topic has been moved from Fibre Broadband to FTTP Trial.


@Bp1000 I would think no chance any time soon. I haven't heard anything to the contrary but I'm not PN staff.

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Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?

They aren't going to share any future plans with customers and their boilerplate response is usually along the lines of they've no news to share whenever anyone enquiries about FTTP....

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Registered: ‎19-11-2018

Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?

Ok thanks guys

I didn’t see this forum sorry, it had the answers I needed.

I’m sure PN will do something with FTTP but I guess BT will lead the way until the infrastructure hits a certain coverage %.

I’m sure it’s costly to put all the packages and admin in place to roll it out, so I assume once take up is high enough they’ll announce.

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Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?

I suspect that the key to Plusnet rolling out FTTP will be when budget competitors offer it and start taking significant numbers of  Plusnet customers over to them.


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Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?

I am fully aware that BT Openreach are installing fibre cables in my area ready to roll out FTTP in Doncaster. I have been with PlusNet for over 15 years but if they do not offer FTTP I will not hesitate to move to whoever will offer this service. I currently pay for the fastest fibre (80mbps) and only get about 40-45mbps. There is no place for loyalty in the modern world and Plusnet need to remember that and prepare to lose customers who are not happy with current speeds and can afford to pay for faster. Plusnet need to be at the forefront of technology or they will fall behind.

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Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?

I too have been a customer for a long time and my contract is up for renewal in July.  FTTP is now available and Zen would be very happy to supply it to me.  I plan to switch unless I have a cast iron guarantee that PlusNet are going to offer FTTP in the very near future.

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Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?

@_Brian_  PlusNet are saying nothing and will not give you a cast iron guarantee about anything (even the old chestnut "It will rain or go dark before morning"😁)  so if you want FTTP you will have to switch supplier. I'm sure Zen would be a good choice but from what I have read on other forums BT have some very good offers on the higher speed FTTP products if that's what you want, however you may not see availability at present because Openreach are not installing into customers homes but that should change in the next few months.

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Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?

We don't know if Plusnet are considering offering FTTP soon, because if they don't they may have a massive loss of customers to competitors that they won't ever get back. I suppose the question is can Zen offer you FTTP immediately if you switch ISP? Not some time in the future as that is no better than Plusnet, but can Zen currently offer it in your area? I know BT Openreach have only just laid the cables in my area, so only if I can see other ISPs definitely offering the service I will wait a little longer.

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Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?

If the OpenReach Checker says that WBC FTTP is available for your address then any ISP that offers a FTTP product will be able to supply.


The problem may well be the Optical Network Terminator (ONT) that needs to be fitted inside your house. OR may be unwilling at this time to enter your property.





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Registered: ‎17-02-2016

Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?

Thanks bmc, that was useful.

I am on a 80Mbps package, but usually get 40-45 and never aware I have ever had 53Mbps this report quotes, but nevertheless we have aluminium cables that mean I can never get anywhere near 80Mbps.



The report says "FTTP on Demand" is "Available", so do you think that means I can request it? Thanks.


Featured Products Downstream Line Rate(Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Handback
WBC FTTC Availability Date WBC SOGEA Availability Date Left in Jumper
High Low High Low        
VDSL Range A (Clean)  80 62.8 20 19 56.8 Available Available --
VDSL Range B (Impacted)  80 60.3 20 19 55 Available Available --
Featured Products Downstream Line Rate(Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range (Mbps) Availability Date FTTP Install Process
FTTP on Demand 330 30 -- Available --
ADSL Products Downstream Line Rate (Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range(Mbps) ADSL Availability Date WBC SOADSL Availability Date Left in Jumper
WBC ADSL 2+ Up to 2.5 -- 1 to 4 Available Available --
ADSL Max Up to 2 -- 1 to 3.5 Available Available --
WBC Fixed Rate 1 -- -- Available Available --
Fixed Rate 1 -- -- Available -- --
Observed Speeds VDSL
Max Observed Downstream Speed 53.28
Max Observed Upstream Speed 14.77
Observed Date 2020-03-11
Other Offerings Availability Date
VDSL Multicast Available
ADSL Multicast Available
Premise Environment Status
Bridge Tap U
NTE FacePlate N
Last Test Date 29-04-2020


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Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?

You can request "Fibre on demand" but be aware that you would need very deep pocket and a large quantity of valium available because installation costs for this service run into the multiple thousands of pounds.


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Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?


As mentioned, FoD is a very expensive product. It is really only suitable for businesses who have the £££ to pay for it.


When you check your speed do you use a wired connection or WiFi - all checks should be done on wired to rule out any WiFi problems.


If wired, you may have a problem with your line.





Posts: 26
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Registered: ‎17-02-2016

Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?

There are no faults on my line and I only use ethernet connections for my 2 PCs and 2 laptops. The 4 phones and 5 TVs are all connected wirelessly. The speed readings are accurate,

I had a new poll and new line put in  a year ago (this is a new property) and the BT Openreach engineer tested the speed and said I will never get 80Mbps because the cable from the cabinet to the connecting poll down the road that my cable goes to is an old low quality alluminium cable. If it was more modern copper I would be ok.

Some of us may be prepared to pay a one-off multi thousand pound charge and normal monthly fee to get 330Mbps.


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Registered: ‎17-02-2016

Re: Full fibre FTTP from PN?

Pole not poll obviously....   a senior moment.