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FTTP with multiple IP addresses

Posts: 17
Registered: ‎18-02-2010

FTTP with multiple IP addresses

Any guidance for linking up multiple Unix servers to the FTTP ONT?
I have a block of 16 IP addresses allocated for the task
The intention to try and connect 9 Unix server directly to the FTTP ONT each on their own IP address
So far I have successfully connected straight to the ONT with an RJ45 network cable
using Vista and also a web server running Linux - CentOS 5.6
My first problem is I can only access the first IP address in the address block.
My old ADSL network has a ZyXEL P-600 series Modem Router, so do I require a modern equivalent or can a Linux server do the job?
Many thanks for your thoughts.
Posts: 244
Registered: ‎13-12-2007

Re: FTTP with multiple IP addresses

Congrats on getting 16IPs allocated.
So, apologies if this is too basic:
1) Need to make sure that all 16IPs are routed to your ONT, and that it'll accept them.
2) Make sure the devices behind the ONT are ready to accept.
Typically you'd have a firewall of some sort after the ONT, perhaps you're using Linux for this?  Either way, the firewall or unix server would have it's public facing IP with a subnet mask that isn't,, eg. it would be so it can accept more than just one IP.
Then you do the routing on that device to pass to the other servers.
I'd strongly recommend not just plugging a PC directly into a net connection without a firewall, let alone 9 of them.
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎18-02-2010

Re: FTTP with multiple IP addresses

In Answer to 1) PlusNet support say the IP block is in place
2) The servers are Unix CENTOS 5.6 locked down with just basic ports open and set to run on a single fixed static IP address behind their own Linux firewall.
The task is to get the IP address from the ONT to the Servers
(Easynet supplied a ZyXel P-600 for the task on my old ADSL network I am replacing)
Rising Star
Posts: 382
Thanks: 21
Registered: ‎25-04-2008

Re: FTTP with multiple IP addresses

I have a Vigor 2130n on FTTC with multiple public IPs and NAT at the same time, works very well...
Certainly the Zyxel P600 "bridges" a public IP block quite nicely - used to do the same on ADSL here.