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OpenReach Modem

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎09-03-2016

OpenReach Modem

My Internet service was down for nine days, which was annoying to say the least.  More annoying was the dismal response from Plusnet to fixing this, exacerbated by seeing the regular adverts crowing about their customer service.
It tuns out that the Openreach modem had a hardware fault, I ran the diagnostic process which indicated this pretty much immediately, then the circus began.  I tried calling Plusnet, but immediately ran into the wait time farce, so registered the fault using the website.  This is entertaining, as of course you need access to the internet via another source, but doubtless the humour of this will be lost on Plusnet.
After a disconnected set of messages, after nine days and Openreach "Engineer" pitched up and announced that my Linksys Wifi router was the problem.  Dodgy stuff Linkysy, compared to the cheap 'n cheerful stuff provided by Plusnet.  Unfortunately, when plugged in to an alternative Internet connection, the router worked so that excuse went away.
Eventually, the Openreach box was replaced and the service worked, a mere nine days after the fault was reported.
The thing that gets me about this is that most people have no choice (unless you have access to a cable service of course but thats another story)...other than to take this crap.  Plusnet are simply BT under another brand.  Get a fault, you rely on BT to fix it.  And their monopoly gets political support so retiring MP's get a job on the board...  Smiley
So folks, go on paying your bills, secure in the knowledge that your internet service has as much choice associated with it as you would have had in East Germany.