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Bad IP Address Blacklist

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Bad IP Address Blacklist

I can't access via google chrome or firefox browser (my mate who with plusnet can access it but mine is blocked) as I have checked IP Address Blacklist Check as it found one of it are bad blacklist


Everything else are green OK


Do I need to raise this with Plusnet to get this unblacklisted?




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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

Plusnet won't be able to do anything. SORBS is an independent organisation. To get a domain unblacklisted the administrators of the domain concerned should follow whatever steps SORBS feel is necessary.

However,  even if blacklisted a domain won't be blocked from Plusnet unless you have the parental filter or some other firewall enabled - and you should be able to change those settings.

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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

here is no parental filter as I getting loads of spam mail lately almost 5+ per day I getting fed up as I never get any spam mail before. I checked firewall all seem okay.


I went to SORBS and try to removal blacklisted but it say not allowed, please contact your ISP.

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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

Spam mail is different to web blocking, and is stopped (or not) by totally different mechanisms.

If it isn't Plusnet's parental block, then it may be a firewall on your device - have you tried more than one device?

BTW when I checked SORBS, that domain didn't appear to be on the block list.

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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

How to check firewall for this blacklist? I am on Linux Mint 20.1. Under SORBS database it found one of mine is on this blacklist here:

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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

That doesn't appear to be a blacklist - just  details of an IP address range. I can't see anything untoward there.

Are you seeing the word "netblock" - that just refers to a block (i.e. range) of addresses, not something that is blocked.

To check blacklists there are a number of websites that are useful - I often use

However, there are lots of blacklists run by various bodies - not every checker checks all of the, but they do check the main ones. The others are less widely consulted, so unlikely to affect you.

EDIT: I forgot to mention how to check the firewall on your local machine. I expect the firewall settings to under Settings somewhere - that's where it is on Ubuntu, which Mint is based on.

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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

I check the url link u gave me:



More Information About Spamhaus Zen


Inclusion in the Spamhaus-ZEN Blacklist results from sub-listings in one more the following Blacklists:

  • CBL - You have contracted a Virus or Malware that is operating a Botnet, either on your email server on a workstation behind the NAT - Continual delisting requests without eliminating the virus will result in permanent blacklisting;
  • XBL (Spamhaus Exploits Block List) is a realtime database of IP addresses of hijacked PCs infected by illegal 3rd party exploits, including open proxies;
  • PBL - Spamhaus PBL is a DNSBL database of end-user IP address ranges which should not be delivering unauthenticated SMTP email to any Internet mail server except those provided for specifically by an ISP for that customer's use.


What you see when your domain has this problem
Added to Spamhaus ZEN Details area Ignore
Add blacklist monitor for 80.229.***.**
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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

Ah, you have checked your own IP address. That will be in the Spamhaus PBL block list - that is correct. That block list is simply a list of all dynamically allocated addresses - the PBL list is checked by SMTP servers to check whether a computer passing on an e-mail is on that list, since dynamic IP addresses are (were) a very common source of spam. When you send mail it should go via Plusnet's mail server, which will accept your mail and pass it on (and Plusnet's server isn't on the PBL list)

To see whether some other domain is on a block list you should look that up - so for the one you reported as not working enter

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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

Yes mine not working as my best mate working on his side ok (he with plusnet as he got all green ok no red block as mine is one of the red block are is listed on the Policy Block List (PBL) can't get it removed off?


I did try on other pc with clean install linux mint the same result

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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

It is quite correct that your IP address is on the PBL, and it cannot be removed. That is not stopping you accessing any website. The only think being on the PBL will stop you doing is running your own e-mail server without using a smart-host.

If your friend's IP address isn't on the PBL, then he probably has a static IP address. You can get a static IP address for a one-off £5 charge, but it will have no effect on whether you can access any particular websites.

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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

Doesn't make any sense at all, I am on Static IP address already for years. Do u think removed Static IP address and then add a new one with different Static IP address will resolved PBL not on the list? Don't want to waste my one off fee £5 if the PBL still on the list

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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

OK, I'm missing something here.

I thought your problem was that you couldn't access from your Plusnet account using Chrome or Firefox?

If so that isn't caused by any entry in SORBS or PBL - those only affect sending e-mail.

There are two ways you can be prevented from reaching a website:

  1. the website itself can block you
  2. something between you and the website can block your connection to that website

For 1, your IP address may be relevant.

For 2, it is likely to be the IP address of the website you're trying to reach which is relevant.

Can you ping ? If so what IP address does it give?

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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=29.7 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=52 time=30.0 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=52 time=29.5 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=52 time=29.4 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=52 time=29.3 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=6 ttl=52 time=30.0 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=7 ttl=52 time=30.2 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=8 ttl=52 time=29.3 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=9 ttl=52 time=29.0 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=10 ttl=52 time=29.9 ms

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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

OK, so the DNS lookup resolves OK, and round trip time is good.

So, exactly what happens when you try to browse to ?

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Re: Bad IP Address Blacklist

Sorry, we processed more than 1M requests today and we ran out of our datasource capacity.
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