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No webstats this morning again!

Rising Star
Posts: 155
Thanks: 16
Registered: ‎08-01-2008

No webstats this morning again!

My webstats as delivered this morning (12/03) and collected at 0500 for and for are identicval to those collected at 0500 yesterday.

Please don't let us lose another day of no webstats.

Explanation and action please ...

Kenneth Spencer

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 699
Fixes: 30
Registered: ‎17-10-2015

Re: No webstats this morning again!

Good Morning! 


Really sorry you've not received the webstats you were expecting, I'll take a look into this now and find out what's happening Smiley 



Rising Star
Posts: 155
Thanks: 16
Registered: ‎08-01-2008

Re: No webstats this morning again!

Thanks for that reply.

It seems that this time the issue was a late arrival of the webstat files: I collect them at 0500. This time they didn't arrive until after 0500, so they missed the boat.

Is there a time by which the stats are sure to have arrived? I am happy to change the collection time to 0530, but not if they just get so late that they miss that boat too!

Kenneth Spencer

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 699
Fixes: 30
Registered: ‎17-10-2015

Re: No webstats this morning again!

Hi again Kenneth, 


I've looked into the way we process webstats from the start of the journey with the web server logs through to this being processed and sent through to be viewed by yourself, looking at things everything would seem to have transferred correctly from our homepage webservers shortly after midnight to be processed.


This processing starts around 2:30 each morning to allow time for the file transfers and other processes that need to run in the early hours of each day. We don't have an exact timeframe as the log sizes can vary but generally we expect around 3 hours for this to complete, this mornings run completed at 5:17am.


I have reran todays webstats to ensure that all data is available just to make sure that nothing has slipped through the cracks but I'm glad to hear you have received them now Smiley 

Rising Star
Posts: 155
Thanks: 16
Registered: ‎08-01-2008

Re: No webstats this morning again!

Thanks for that, Paul ...

... I did get them in the end, manually transferring and processing them.

I have now changed to collection/processing cron job to 0530, so we'll see how it goes!

All the best

Kenneth Spencer

Resting Legend
Posts: 10,063
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: No webstats this morning again!

My logs arrived at 13:27 today rather than the usual time around 05:15. So it does look like the automated run failed somewhere along the way requiring manual intervention to complete them.
