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IP Profile page link

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IP Profile page link

I'm puzzled. I have a link saved which I know definitely used to bring up my IP Profile, after logging in to my account on the portal..

All it seems to do now it to refresh the portal front page. Has the IP Profile page moved?

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Re: IP Profile page link

I had this query too, it seems that after you login go to the link again and it appears.
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Registered: ‎04-08-2009

Re: IP Profile page link


That's the way it was working, but now double-clicking it just takes you directly to the account details summary page. I've tried copying/pasting the url directly as well and the same happens. Sad

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Re: IP Profile page link

Add me to this too Sad

Had that bookmarked for donkies - click and it'd take you to the PN log in screen, sign in and it'd take you there

More recently - click - log in page - click again and would see the transfer speed (this defo worked within last 5 days)

Now (just checked), click - log in - click - home page and not transfer page


Something's either borked (as if PN would mess anything up) or they've killed that URL.....?

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Re: IP Profile page link

I noticed this Friday but thought it was either a temporary fault or (judging by nobody mentioning it here) it was just a mobile browser issue.

This thread might be better suited in a different category as this also includes ADSL connections and not just fibre.
That's RPM to you!!
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Re: IP Profile page link

Would it be possible for one of the Techs to pick this up please? It looks like the link is broken. It's very useful to be able to self-check if your profile is following the BT one, as it often doesn't!

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Re: IP Profile page link

thats probably why its been removed to stop people checking on there ip profile

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Re: IP Profile page link

Perhaps a member of staff could possibly reply to this thread and give us all a clue as to why this is no longer available as it has happened before, My connection has slowed on throughput but not on connection speed and the best way to check if something is wrong is to check the line speed but this in now not available for us to check. The last time I had this problem the link stopped working, possibly a coincidence!! Please staff have a look at this...

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Re: IP Profile page link

Sorry for the late response on this guys.

I looked into this earlier, it appears that we've retired this page in advance of a new page being added in an upcoming release. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

 Jono H
 Plusnet Community Manager
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Re: IP Profile page link

Moderators Note

This topic has been moved from Fibre to Everything Else

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Re: IP Profile page link

hi what sort of time scale is this being released on and if theres no timescale why was the original one removed ?


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Re: IP Profile page link

We're working in a new page that will show speeds, we expect it to be released in the next few weeks.

The new page though won't show the IP Profile information as for the vast majority of customers (for example anyone on an unmetered product type with a dynamic IP) the profile no longer does anything. 

 Jono H
 Plusnet Community Manager
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Re: IP Profile page link

so how does one find out there ip profile they are on from now on then ?

as people sync higher than there threwput which sometimes theres a problem with the ip profile they are on ? as ive had this problem and possibly still got it as my threwput sucks at times wether it be the ip profile or the messing around with my line by engineers and yourselves in the passed


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Re: IP Profile page link

@iangilf wrote:

so how does one find out there ip profile they are on from now on then ?

You don't, the IP Profile you are on does absolutely nothing anymore for the vast majority of customers.

 Jono H
 Plusnet Community Manager
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Registered: ‎01-11-2017

Re: IP Profile page link

so why does it do nothing for the vast amount of people then , what did it do before then and what was the purpose of it if it didnt do anything ?