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Hosting of webspace and (possibly) domain

Posts: 4
Registered: ‎25-04-2024

Hosting of webspace and (possibly) domain

Hi all - first post!

Back in 2008 I'm sure I recall a kind person in Plusnet setting up some form of domain hosting / masking for a domain I owned and had registered elsewhere. They'd already done it for two others of mine but as this was the fourth one on the account they struggled. I'm sure they managed some magic to do it though... as a result "" forwarded to my plusnet webspace and the plusnet URL was masked. All was well for 16 years until I had to swap domain registrar (another third party - nothing to do with plusnet)... as part of the transfer they are saying there remains some hosting somewhere and so they can't complete the transfer.

Plusnet customer service have searched and said there's nothing they can do to help and that they have no record of this hosting mask setup and that the domain / webspace team won't even take a ticket from them to investigate because it's not visible on my account. 

As I can't go back to 2008 in the help ticket system I'm stuck. I can't tell plusnet what they configured in their own system but the new domain register company can't progress the transfer unless they delete it. 

Has anyone had a domain masked on their webspace WITHOUT it showing up on the portal and can anyone give me any hints where to ask Customer Service to look for this setup as I'm stuck in the middle and don't know where to go. 

Hints massively appreciated.



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Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Hosting of webspace and (possibly) domain

This makes no sense Huh

I can't think of anything related to the hosting that would inhibit a registrar transfer.

Do you know what the nameservers for the domain are set to?
Do you know the IP address the domain is pointed to?

If you're able to drop me a private message containing details of the domain name, then I might be able to advise further.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 4
Registered: ‎25-04-2024

Re: Hosting of webspace and (possibly) domain

Thanks Bob. It's certainly a weird one and I suspect that it's going to need someone involved with the tech of the webspace hosting to know what happened... but I can't get to them as first line insist they will reject the ticket outright.

The issue isn't per se with the domain transfer, that's happened and whois shows it.

However when the new hosting company tries to load it into their management system (that they believe is shared somewhere in the backend with a third party - in this case they believe Plusnet) it errors because it says there's an existing hosting product in that tool for the domain.

Hence why I don't think Nominet, as suggested by first line, will help because the actual transfer went smoothly and plusnet was never involved in that - the domain was never in their ownership or DNS records.

Definitely a weird one and I can't 100% rule out another provider somewhere but I'm 99.9% sure that the only companies I've ever used with that domain are the old registrar, 123reg, the new one and plusnet as the website provider.
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎25-04-2024

Re: Hosting of webspace and (possibly) domain

Oh and to your questions, the nameservers are three variants of
Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Hosting of webspace and (possibly) domain

Ah, that does now make sense.

Looks like they are using the same hosting partner we are. I'd say the easiest thing to do would be to completely delete your Plusnet hosting account (unless you still need it for something?)

The alternative would be for me to try removing the domain from the account, however I've a suspicion I might need to follow that up with a support ticket to our hosting partner to get rid of any residual records that may exist afterwards.

I've received your message, so will try and take a look for you later on today.


Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 4
Registered: ‎25-04-2024

Re: Hosting of webspace and (possibly) domain

Thanks Bob. You're a star.
Ideally, especially because I heard it's not offered anymore, I'd rather not delete the hosting because it's supporting the two other domains still - albeit they aren't that active currently.

If there's anything you can do to have someone look at the hosting set-up and delete the domain, I'd hugely appreciate it.
