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Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

Posts: 17
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

Is it possible to use GZIP? I have used several different codings in .htaccess downloaded from the net but none of them work! Is there anyone using GZIP with PlusNet out there? If so how, if not is there an alternative compression option?

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Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

Where is the site hosted and if on Plusnet is it the standard webpage or CGI

Posts: 17
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

Standard or as I am informed 'legacy' - thankyou for your interest, I have now spent three whole long days trying to use GZIP

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Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

The answer is probably that the .htaccess commands will only work if the host has apache configured with the correct modules and the standard webspace doesn't include that

Posts: 17
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

So where do I go from here? Is there another way to enable GZIP or some compression? I am losing ranking as my competitors do have compression. What are my alternatives? Change my Host? If so I will lose more ranking.

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Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

Given that the maximum webspace is only 250MB I really don't see why there should be a problem

Can you explain why a lack of compression should cause you problems with your ranking

I just had a look at what I think is your site and the images are so small that compression will have little or no effect on loading times

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Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

Presumably the images are already in a compressed format (such as PNG or JPEG) and gzipping them wouldn't decrease their size much. Gzip might reduce the amount of data transferred for the HTML, CSS, JavaScripts etc., which I suppose might be important for any metered connections (like mobile broadband tariffs).

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Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

If I have the right site - this could be the problem

If I haven't it would still be worth checking

Posts: 17
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

Hi, I'm back. It is not with a view to make the site mobile friendly (95% of my customers are silver surfers - not mobile users to surf), it is  a known fact that google will rank a site higher than one that is not. At this moment I am losing sales due to competitors ranking higher, so I am trawling my way through my site eliminating bad aspects of it as according to SEO test sites, the lack of compression is the largest no, no.

Posts: 17
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

Sorry, sent before finished! GZIP does not compress images, only compresses all other info, or, what you tell it to compress.

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Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

According to this - - compression is unlikely to help.

However Google does rank based on mobile friendly

You haven't identified your site but assuming that it is not a then you can move it to another hosting provider to give the facilities you want

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Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

and having no page title on your Home Page won't help search engine spiders either; add a title such as "Real Sussex Trugs"

See image.

Posts: 17
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

Hi, you were right, that page didn't have a page title, but that wasn't my home page, it was just a page to help those silver surfers buy without problem or frustration. Thankyou for noting.

Resting Legend
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Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

according to my google check linked earlier some resources are blocked by robots.txt and looking at the search results Google is only seeing the home page - this could  be part of the problem

Posts: 17
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Gzip - is it possible with Plusnet?

I use robots.txt to block only pages that are not to be viewed by the public, only those that have purchased a trug and want to send it to a different address etc.

User-agent: *