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setting up email program

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎20-04-2020

setting up email program

I recently moved house, got plus net to put a land line on, checked with them that email would stay the same, all ok, then 2 weeks later my email stopped working, its been with f9/plus net for many years. Rang in and for some reason they had deleted my email account, rang several times and as of today have old email address back available, I now have 2 addresses to enter, plus net sent and email with instructions to enter some details into my mozilla thunderbird prog ie. Username,password, pop3, smpt, not sure where these go, in Thunderbird? i assume so, tried tools/account settings entered the info and even the auto find settings...but no luck at all, the auto cannot find my email at plus net...any ideas please?

yours confused

John B

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Re: setting up email program

It sounds like your old account was closed in error and subsequently re-opened.


You want your old F9 email but not your Plusnet? Is that correct?


If so, use the force9 mail settings ( along with your f9 username. If you want to use your Plusnet too, it's the same setting but

Manually configure Thunderbird rather than using the auto settings option.

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 Tony T
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 3
Registered: ‎20-04-2020

Re: setting up email program

Thanks Plusnettony for reply, yes I want my old email address working again, I did not ask for a new email.

I did as you asked to enter those server settings info, but they are already there from before, I have never had a plus net address. I have spent hours trawling through to see if there is anything else I could change but this has not been successful. Tech support is not helpful, very nice lady 2 days had no idea and could offer no advice, nothing seems to gets done, and just goes round in a loop with an email back from techs saying the same old stuff which is very basic, there has to be something else going on and they will the experts on this.

I shall ring them today and step this up to next level as this is just going nowhere for now.

John B

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Re: setting up email program

Hi John,

A warm welcome to the forums.  You say "its not working" but give no indication of how its not working.  If the F9 account is already set up in your TB configuration, there should be no need to do anything, it should just work.  NOTE: Do not change the IMAP/POP3 or SMTP server names, they should still be the F9 servers.

What happens if you try to log on to the mailbox using webmail?  See - remember to select the correct ISP.


Also have you set up your preferred email address on your Plusnet account?  If you have no intention of accessing your default Plusnet mailbox, you will miss important account communications.


Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎20-04-2020

Re: setting up email program


Thanks for answering, I cannot send or receive emails. I rang support again Friday morning, very helpful tech was determined to help sort it out, he found that somehow instead of 1 account there are 3 running and the latest one has an email I am not aware of, so I will have the wrong address in my settings(thunderbird). So now he has given me back my original email address and to wait 72 hours for it to be ready to use. In the meantime I am to change the server settings to outgoing-( port 587 and imap- ( port 143. So i have just tried it tonight and on thunderbird and sent myself a test mail but it asks for a server password required, and if its the regular one then it does not recognize it, so I cannot send, I then went to the web mail page and cannot sent myself a mail there either. Maybe its not up and running yet, I dount if it will.


On the server settings imap, is -- --- correct please or is there anything else missing. Also, yes when ever I log on I always change plusnet to force9 ok. 

Thanks John B

Posts: 23,309
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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: setting up email program

F9 IMAP server is

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