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W10 mail: Something went wrong

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W10 mail: Something went wrong

I'm seeing a new problem with my Plusnet emails not previously experienced until a couple of days ago. I recently switched to Windows 10's 'Mail' app and although some emails are getting through okay I'm now seeing a lot of errors (see below)

All server settings are correct!


Screenshot (103).png

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): Changed thread title to reflect issue.

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Re: W10 mail: Something went wrong

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav)

Split to its own thread and title changed.

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Re: W10 mail: Something went wrong

Hi @MKSlinky


I know you say that your settings are correct but I do need to sense check them as part of the trouble shoot before I can investigate it further.


Can you post your settings below blanking out your username and password please?

 Jono H
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Re: W10 mail: Something went wrong

Make sure require SSL isn't checked for incoming mail.

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Re: W10 mail: Something went wrong


I'm not sure this should have been split to a separate thread. Until 2 days ago the only problems I had with webmail was the slow downloading of messages to my inbox from the server, the same problem most of us are experiencing so despite that all was working normally.

However as already stated this new problem has only just started happening and usually when I click the sync button on my Plusnet account in the Windows 10 Mail app. 

For interest I have 3 mail accounts, two of which are not Plusnet and they download fine without issues. Only the Plusnet account is generating these errors.

For those of you more familiar with Windows 8 you will know that there is an option to manually input port numbers into the Mail app, however Microsoft have removed that function in Windows 10.  

It's worth mentioning that in Windows 10 Mail app the user defined settings are limited to [User Name/Password] [Account Type] and [Server Addresses]. See below.

Screenshot (104).png


The box below is the one you see when first creating a new account, as you can see the settings are limited

For the Account Type I chose 'IMAP4' (the other option is POP3)


Screenshot (105).png

Nothing has changed on my system in the last 2 days and no updates to the Mail app have been installed.


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Re: W10 mail: Something went wrong

Just a quick update....

In Windows 10 Mail I've just noticed that none of the messages in my OUTBOX are being sent.I have one very important one in there which is my mother's driving licence which is needed as proof of identity by the bank. I can't even attempt to send those emails by syncing the outbox because the sync button on that folder is greyed out. Ticked_off

Looks like I'm going to have to try Googling this one...

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Re: W10 mail: Something went wrong


Another update!

It seems my previous investigation into the Windows Update section was the wrong place to look! I opened the Store app and looked to see if any updates had been applied to Mail in there. Sure enough an update was applied to the app on Monday. It seems this update broke the app!!!!!! Ticked_off

Googling the above error number on Microsoft yields a number of results and it seems Windows 10 users are being plagued by this problem at the moment not just with the Mail app. That said there wasn't anything useful to be learnt from those threads and so I've deleted my Plusnet Account in the Mail app and started again.

Thankfully this does seem to have resolved both problems and syncing is now working correctly as is my Outbox.

Plusnet can sigh a relief this time, it's Microsoft's fault as usual. Knuppel

Thanks for the offers of support guys. Wink 


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Re: W10 mail: Something went wrong

@MKSlinky wrote:

I'm not sure this should have been split to a separate thread.pp have been installed.

In this instance the split was requested by a member of staffWink

Forum Moderator and Customer
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Re: W10 mail: Something went wrong


No worries.., as it turns out it was probably just as well. Thumbs_Up I guess that's why we have moderators, you're far to clever for us mere mortals to understand.

P.S. Now that I've fixed my first ever post do I win a prize? Plusnet T-Shirt maybe, trip to Bermuda?