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Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007


Anyone who has been watching the Windows Software section will have seen that I had a problem on my pc with Akamai, which resulted in me having to rebuild my pc software. I have got to the bit where I am trying to set up accounts on Mozilla Thunderbird, and am having problems.
I want two e-mail accounts, one to deal with incoming addressed to postmaster, and the other to deal with incoming addressed to my first name. Thunderbird did do this before the rebuild, but I cannot persuade Thunderbird to accept the postmaster account - it complains that there is something wrong with the username and password, but doesn't say which, and I cannot understand what I am putting in that is wrong. I have used the same password for the other account, and I have tried "penneck", "penneck+graham", and "graham", as my username, but it still complains.
In the account that does work, there are differences between what I had before the rebuild and what I have now. Thunderbird used to wait until I told it to collect incoming e-mails, but now it just grabs them immediately. Also, when the pre-rebuild Thunderbird grabbed the incomong, it deleted them from the ISP server. Now it just copies them.
I don't find Thunderbird's Help at all helpful. It doesn't seem to deal with processes that haven't worked in the way they claim it would.
There you are ladies and gentlemen. Three Thunderbird problems that I am asking for help solving, please. Thanks for any help
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Re: Thunderbird

May be on the wrong track but my 'postmaster' account was always an 'alias' set to deliver to my default '' - check these settings in 'manage my mail' in the email settings section of the member centre).  This means I do not have any 'postmaster' account set up in my email client as the emails get delivered by logging into my default account (using a login of just 'username' rather than 'username+myname' in the client).
Call me 'w23'
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Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Re: Thunderbird

Thanks for the suggestion. I went and had a look, and is aliased to It wasn't, as such, the answer to any of my problems, but I did notice it said that the output should have the Gate (not sure that is the correct term) should be 25. When I tried to recreate the second account in Thunderbird, it selected 110 for the incoming but sent the outgoing to 524 (? - my memory isn't good), so I set it to 25, and hey presto, the account worked.
So one problem solved, and two left to go, PLUS a new one - can I get both the incoming postmaster@ e-mails and the username@ e-mails to go into one "In Tray"?
Onwards and upwards
Thanks for your help
Aspiring Pro
Posts: 1,110
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Re: Thunderbird

Sorry - correction - in the new problem, I meant "can I get both the incoming postmaster@ e-mails and the firstname@ e-mails to go into one "In Tray"?", not "can I get both the incoming postmaster@ e-mails and the username@ e-mails to go into one "In Tray"?".
That is so all incoming e-mails go into one In Tray. e-mails should come in as if they are postmaster@ e-mails anyway.
The reason for having 3 possible addresses for e-mails (postmaster, username, and firstname) is so that I can sort out the good from the bad while the e-mails haven't got any further than mailwasher
Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Re: Thunderbird

I still haven't solved the problem of getting all incoming e-mails (addressed either postmaster@ or username@ or myfirstname@ ) into one In Box, nor the problem of Thunderbird just grabbing waiting incoming e-mails, nor the problem of when Thunderbird does grab an incoming e-mail it doesn't delete it from the Plusnet server.
Now I have discovered another problem - it wont let me send an e-mail either. It says "Login to server failed". What have I done wrong?
Thanks for any help
Resting Legend
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Re: Thunderbird

How many mailboxes do you have in Manage My Mail? If you want all messages to end up in just one mailbox you should have just that one (which you'll access using the username and password you use to access the Member Centre). Any additional email addresses should be set up as aliases of that mailbox.
Mailwasher will then be set to check that mailbox and start Thunderbird when you ask for mail to be collected.
Thunderbird should be configured to collect mail from just that one mailbox. To stop it downloading emails before you've reviewed them you need to set appropriate Server Settings for that account. I think you need to untick "Automatically check for new messages every xxx minutes". To stop it leaving messages on the server make sure "Leave messages on server" is not ticked.
I assume you are unable to send emails because the Outgoing Server (SMTP) settings are incorrect. Have you edited the default settings to select "Authentication method: No authentication" and "Connection Security: None"?
Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Re: Thunderbird

Thankyou Spraxyt. I have done all you have suggested, with the eception of the "Manage Your Mail" bit. I would like to leave that for later for the moment.
I have set both accounts in Thunderbird to use the 'Global In Box', and I have sent a test e-mail which seems to have left me without the failure warning message appearing, so I assume you have fixed that.
So to you and to W23, my thanks for your help
Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Re: Thunderbird

Please would someone tell me which files I need to copy, and where to find them, to take the contents of my In Tray, Out Tray, and Address Book, from Mozilla Thunderbird on one pc to Thunderbird on another pc.
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Re: Thunderbird

Have a look here
Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
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Re: Thunderbird

This utility will do it for you.

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Aspiring Pro
Posts: 1,110
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Re: Thunderbird

Thankyou. Done it (at least, first impressions suggest I have).
Rising Star
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Re: Thunderbird

I have Thunderbird installed but only have it as a tryout to see if I could use it instead of Outlook 2003, when I come to get a new PC, in order to save the cost of Outlook 2010 or 2013. But I find Thunderbird so much more difficult to set up to receive emails properly. I get it going eventually and never really know how! I can never get it to send and receive from all set accounts at the press of a button. You seem to need to do each separately. Or maybe I just don't have the hang of it still. But the great upside of Thunderbird is it's ability to import Outlook data. I can find no other email program that will do that (esp free).
And Microsoft have not made it easy to migrate from 2003 to 2010 or 2013, so I am reading.