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Thunderbird archive

Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Thunderbird archive

I use Mozilla Thunderbird. I received an e-mail which I wanted to save, but the nearest thing I could find to a Save command was Archive, so I clicked that. I might as well have typed Abracadabra, because the e-mail has disappeared.
Please would someone let me know where it has gone (assuming a standard fixed location), OR how to find out where Archive is set to send archived e-mails (assuming I can set where the archive should be) OR what type of file (.doc, xls, etc) an e-mail would be stored as so that I can do a Search for Files ending in ...
Many thanks for your help
All Star
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Re: Thunderbird archive

If you have it set as an IMAP client then there should be a folder called Archive (you may need to subscribe to it)
Otherwise no idea.
You can save an email by right clicking and choosing "save as" it then gives you a selection of formats.
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Registered: ‎05-11-2008

Re: Thunderbird archive

This may help

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Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Re: Thunderbird archive

I have tried what you suggested but it seems I may have more problems with Thunderbird than just the archive. The top level view I get of Thunderbird when I open it is just the Inbox, or the Sent Box, or the Deleted Box, etc. I can select which from a list on the left of the screen.
I cannot see anything that allows me to see the Drop-down Menus at the top of the screen. Any ideas what to do about that?
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎25-09-2011

Re: Thunderbird archive

It should've created a folder called 'archive' under the account name in the side bar where your accounts are listed.
Unless you've got it set up to do something different under 'Tools/AccountSettings'.
Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Re: Thunderbird archive

I've been able to get the Dropdown Menus working so I've looked in Tools\Account Settings, and for my account the Archive is set to 'Local Folders'. However, I'm none the wiser where that is, nor how, once I've found the archive, how I recover the e-mail I archived today
Aspiring Champion
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Registered: ‎12-08-2007

Re: Thunderbird archive

Whenever I've had a problem with TB I've always asked here: ; They are excellent at answering any problems and the staff are really good and know their stuff.
Aspiring Pro
Posts: 1,110
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Re: Thunderbird archive

By chance, I have stumbled over where my e-mail was archived to. It was sort of staring me in the face in the list of 'boxes'. It was just then when I clicked on 'Local Folder', it didn't show anything, but when I double-clicked on it, it showed a folder "2014", and my e-mail was in there. I have successfully saved this e-mail to somewhere I can find it when I need it in the future.
Thanks to all for your help.
Rising Star
Posts: 565
Thanks: 31
Registered: ‎25-09-2011

Re: Thunderbird archive

I found 'Local Folders' a bit beguiling on TB when I first used it as I had MS Outlook set up differently.
But, now I've got my head round it, I move messages from certain people/places out of the inbox into named 'local folders', effectively archiving them. So I've never seen the point of 'archive' (the one you used).
Useful to me as I seem to have gathered a heck of a lot of email addresses and I can tidy up their inboxes (and my own sent mail) by moving stuff into the named 'local folders' in a way that's coherent to me.