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SquirrelMail : Do you dig it?

Rising Star
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Re: SquirrelMail : Do you dig it?

I have noticed a little intermittent bug with Squirrelmail.
In normal use I open the in-box and click on the oldest un-read mail. Then I move throgh the mails by use of the Previous link above the the message.
Occasionally, the previous link isn't available Angry (It is displayed but not underlined)
If I go back to the message list and try again then the Previous link will be underlined and wiorks fine.
Has anyone else noticed this?
Posts: 3
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: SquirrelMail : Do you dig it?

When you select messages and hit the 'spam' button they are deselected; I would like to see them remain selected for deletion.
Could we have a facility to allow particular email addresses to be barred or allowed? This would save the embarrassment of message copied to me by my wife ending up in spam! Squirrel mail seems rather slow to learn that this is not Spam
Posts: 748
Registered: ‎19-08-2007

Re: SquirrelMail : Do you dig it?

Quote from: Alan
When you select messages and hit the 'spam' button they are deselected; I would like to see them remain selected for deletion.

If PlusNet are using the Spam/Not Spam plugin, then all they need to do is set:

$sb_move_after_report_spam = 'INBOX.Spam';

and that will move the reported e-mails to your spam folder, or:

$sb_delete_after_report = 1;

and that will delete e-mails after they have been reported as spam.
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎17-09-2007

Re: SquirrelMail : Do you dig it?

Quote from: PJ
Going back to the captcha problem-
Another potential solution to automated use of free accounts problem is simply only requiring Captcha from non subscription customers, although this might leave PN webmail vulnerable to dictionary attacks on weak customer passwords.

I would be in favour of this solution. If a paying customer's password is compromised that is a problem but this should be addressed be encouraging/enforcing strong passwords rather than putting a Captcha on webmail. I can see the necessity of the Captcha on free accounts.
Posts: 29
Registered: ‎31-07-2007

Re: SquirrelMail : Do you dig it?

Call me a heretic, but I hate squirrel mail.  My eyesight is not good, so I average about four or five send attempts per mail.  I have to regularly copy my text onto the clipboard in case I click on the wrong thing and the system loses the draft.
It's like going back 10 years.  Maybe it's because I'm spoilt because I use the Oulook client web client for work.  Now that's what a webmail client should be like.  Yes I know there are issues with that, and yes I know all about the problems with free email accounts so I'm not comparing apples with apples.
And before the other geeks start ripping me up, I would also be just as happy using Unix mail via telnet with vi as my editor...
Posts: 99
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: SquirrelMail : Do you dig it?

Apologies if this has already been covered but did not fancy reading through 19 pages! I have a small suggestion. When you review the spam folder at the bottom you have the option to toggle all posts but to delete them you seem to have to return to the top of the page. Could a second delete buttom be put at the bottom?
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Registered: ‎01-09-2007

Re: SquirrelMail : Do you dig it?

What is the record for the longest PlusNet thread?

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

Posts: 742
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: SquirrelMail : Do you dig it?

Right, this one's been kicking around for ages so I feel obliged to chip in.
In answer to the original question "SquirrelMail : Do you dig it?" my answer is no.  It's very clunky and inefficient to use.
Posts: 1
Registered: ‎14-11-2007

SquirrelMail : Do you dig it? (Part 2)

Not sure if this is a Squirrel Mail problem or one that is more relative to PlusNet themselves. However, when creating new mailboxes within the PlusNet account/member area I would like to see that each new mailbox can be accessed independently of each of the others (with the exception of aliases). I really don't like the fact that once a new mailbox is created that the PlusNet account details are required in order to view/create/send/manage emails instead of using the new mailbox address with the given password for that account. Again other than aliases, mailboxes are distinctly separate and cannot access other mailboxes within the same PlusNet account. If this were the case then Squirrel Mail would be fine. I agree that a better skin would make the product look as professional as it appears to be according to feedback from other community members.
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Re: SquirrelMail : Do you dig it?

I don't understand what you are saying here - different mailboxes are totally independent, when you log in to username+mailboxname you can only access the emails for that mailbox (and aliases of that mailbox).
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
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SquirrelMail : Do you dig it? (Part 2)

Continuation of the discussion thread Here which reached 20 pages. The last 2 posts of that thread have been moved to this thread for continutity.
Not applicable

Re: SquirrelMail : Do you dig it? (Part 2)

Is there any news from Plusnet about Squirrelmail yet? Any decisions been made? (Not complaining - I have no problems with SM).
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: SquirrelMail : Do you dig it? (Part 2)

As far as I know, we don't have any conrete plans currently and Development are currently working on other priorities.
I'll see if I can find an answer for you though.
Seasoned Hero
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Re: SquirrelMail : Do you dig it? (Part 2)

I sincerely hope that the answer is that you are sticking with Squirrelmail and that the next significant change to it will be to remove the use of frames.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
Posts: 2
Registered: ‎31-07-2007

Re: SquirrelMail : Do you dig it? (Part 2)

I may be in the minority here but I don't like Squirrel Mail and find it slow - especially in comparison to Gmail which I now use as my primary email address.
I particularly hate the spam reporting which takes forever - also why when I report spam does it not go to the spam box? It seems a waste of time having to check it once to report the spam - and than again to delete it.
I hope that this is not plusnet's long term solution to the email problems.