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Plusnet Static IP on Spamhaus [Solved]

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎10-08-2007

Plusnet Static IP on Spamhaus [Solved]

I have an recent issue with Plusnet IP addresses being listed by Spamhaus ZEN

My domain host, who's outgoing SSMTP servers I use, made changes recently because of old / expired encryption methods [TLS 1.0 I think]


When I suddenly was unable to send via their SSMTP I contacted them and was informed that Outlook 2010 is no longer acceptable to do 'decent security'.

So, after updating to Outlook to 2016 and applying various encryption settings [which did not work] I contacted them and the host said it was because my IP was on a black list and that if I connect via a clean IP then all would work fine.

The IP in question is

I spoke to Plusenet who said just go through the removal process at Spamhaus. The problem is that you cannot remove Plusnet static addresses from Spamhaus :-

"Failed: The IP address removal process failed for the following reason: Removal not allowed"

More worryingly the domain host [TSO Host] said that the entire 80.229.* IP block was listed!

Can someone pass this on to the network team as it seems to be an issue that would affect more Plusnet customers than myself?


Any tips how to get to be able to send email again would be useful?

Community Gaffer
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Re: Plusnet Static IP on Spamhaus

The whole netblock is evidently not blacklisted because my IP falls within it and it's clean. Regardless, it's extremely peculiar for an SMTP relay to refuse connections due to what I assume is a PBL listing. In fact, most dynamically assigned IP address *should* be on the PBL list. What's TSO host going to do about that? Refuse service unless you have a static IP? Huh

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Rising Star
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Registered: ‎10-08-2007

Re: Plusnet Static IP on Spamhaus

Not sure I get your drift as Plusnet's IP's are not dynamically assigned are they?

My question is about how to get this working again like it was a week ago and has been for ages. I suspect that I am going to get a 'it's not us' type answer from both sides until I spend enough time figuring out exactly whats happening [which I am not sure I have time / skills for]

Community Gaffer
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Re: Plusnet Static IP on Spamhaus

@cpcnw wrote:

Not sure I get your drift as Plusnet's IP's are not dynamically assigned are they?

The majority are, yes. I think we've less than 100k customers with a static IP. I would expect all of our dynamic IPs to be on the PBL list because that's exactly what it's for. Are TSO host saying that they don't allow ISP's who assign dynamic IP's to their customers to use their SMTP servers? Because if they are, that's madness.

My question is about how to get this working again like it was a week ago and has been for ages. I suspect that I am going to get a 'it's not us' type answer from both sides until I spend enough time figuring out exactly whats happening [which I am not sure I have time / skills for]

With perserverence Spamhaus should comply with your request, however you shouldn't have to be doing this because the reasoning TSO have supplied you with doesn't make a great deal of sense (if indeed it's the PBL list you're listed on).


Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎10-08-2007

Re: Plusnet Static IP on Spamhaus

It's OK - I put up a good argument with TSO who at first said it was to do with Spamhaus but now say its to do with Outlook.


I just tested from here with my own mail client [Seamonkey] and it all works perfectly so I guess I need to go looking at Outlook at the remote office to see whats with that!