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Email problems again?

All Star
Posts: 1,560
Thanks: 425
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎04-06-2009

Email problems again?

Been trying to send an email for almost an hour now only 4kb - I can receive them but not send and get this message......

Task ' - Sending' reported error (0x8004210B) : 'The operation timed out waiting for a response from the sending (SMTP) server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'
It sent 2 messages a couple of minutes before no problem then just ground to a halt.
All Star
Posts: 1,560
Thanks: 425
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎04-06-2009

Re: Email problems again?

Sorted now thank to the PN tech guys. 
For Ref I was told a 15 min wait when I actually only waited 4 minutes to be answered.