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Deleted Emails

Posts: 9
Registered: ‎27-03-2009

Deleted Emails

Like the lady in another post I have lost some of my emails 😞  Earlier today I had to rebuild my laptop due to a number of strange software problems so I thought that as I had to reload MS Office 365 I would take the opportunity to switch to another email server.  All went OK until I tried to archive my Sent folder but during this operation Outlook hung and I lost the last 5 months of my sent emails and a few emails from another sub-folder.  I would be really really grateful if someone could help me recover those lost emails.

Fingers crossed in anticipation


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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Deleted Emails

How you checked the mailbox using webmail?

It would be very odd for something going wrong in setting up outlook to lose stuff from the sent folder, in a manner which might be recoverable.

If you have been operating in POP3 mode, your sent items would never have been on the server. If previously in IMAP then they should still be there on the server ... and out look might just be confused.

Which version of ‘outlook’?

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