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Reset password email not being received

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Reset password email not being received

Well I suppose I'm not surprised......


I was registered on the old forum

I requested the reset password link to my email address used to login on the old forum...........but it was never received.

nor was any email received to a second password request reset sometime later.

No it's not in the junk/spam box either.


I take guess Hotmail is junking them as obvious spam.

So I've just created this throwaway registration with a 10 minute junk email to make this post.

Great isn't it that you can create these dummy registrations while not being on a plusnet connection - the very thing I warned about prior to the move over!

Suggestions anyone....... apart from not bother with the forum and go away and do something more interesting rather than post here



Community Gaffer
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Re: Reset password email not being received

Fancy PM'ing me the username to your normal forum account and the email address you believe is associated with it?

Bob Pullen
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Re: Reset password email not being received

Can you PM me with your previous username so we can look in to this?


I'll leave this with @bobpullen

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Re: Reset password email not being received

Exactly the same issue here - I have today twice requested a password reset email for my original Forum account (this one is just a throwaway, as is the linked email) and have not received anything. Not good enough really.

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Re: Reset password email not being received

I had to have 3 goes at this before I found the right one!

First I tried my main Plus net email. It said email sent, but nothing arrived.

Then I tried my secondary one. Same outcome.

Finally I tried my main non-PlusNet email address and a reset arrived quickly.

So, the message isn't clear, but somewhere/sometime I had obviously changed a setting on the forum to receive notifications there.


Shame we weren't told about this in advance. A simple - "With the new forum you will need to reset your password via email so please note which email address you have set up notifications (probably the one you received this warning on)" would have sufficed. Wink





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Re: Reset password email not being received

I have had the same problem.  My Username and Password were recognised on 5 April but the password was not accepted on the new Forum site today.  I clicked to reset my password and after receiving an email response was able to set a new password and was logged in using my old username.

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Re: Reset password email not being received

I believe that was mentioned somewhere in the post on the Announcement board HP Wink

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Re: Reset password email not being received

But the problem some of us are having is that the reset email isn't being sent to the email address we had originally registered with.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Reset password email not being received

@HPsauce wrote:

Shame we weren't told about this in advance. A simple - "With the new forum you will need to reset your password via email so please note which email address you have set up notifications (probably the one you received this warning on)" would have sufficed. Wink

From the post here:

How do I keep my username on the new Community?
It’s really important before the date of migration that you check your email address is up to date within Community. This is because when we do move over, we’ll force all customers to do a password reset which will need to be done via the email address we have on file.

A link to that board was included in the emails we sent out.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Reset password email not being received

Problem kindly fixed for me by Bob Pullen.

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Re: Reset password email not being received

Likewise, @HarryB@bobpullen & anyone else taking the time to help fix mine:  Thank you!


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