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Move of an inappropriate topic to the announcements forum

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Move of an inappropriate topic to the announcements forum

This concerns topic New Ofcom Market bands announced by OldJim which I believe should not be in the Announcements forum. I made this post
Quote from: jelv
I've been looking at this topic all week thinking should it be in this forum?
The description of this forum is "You'll see all announcements here, from staff or moderators. You can reply, but can't start new threads."
1. This isn't an announcement, it's speculation. It's not even an announcement of a decision by OFCOM, just that a proposal has been put out for consultation.
2. The topic wasn't started by a member of Plusnet staff or a moderator. If you look at all the other posts in this forum they are nearly all started by Plusnet staff.
3. Putting it in here as if it were an announcement by Plusnet has already encouraged at least one person to contact support to ask if they will see a reduction - extra calls about something which is still speculation is the last thing CSC need at the moment. As Mand indicated, when it's definite I'm sure Plusnet will do a proper announcement of what is going to happen.
So sorry Jim, I think you were wrong to move it in to Announcements; as it is still a proposal I'm not even sure it warrants being made sticky.

(I have edited out my original post and replaced it with a link to here)
To which OldJim replied
Quote from: Oldjim
It was my decision and I am sticking with it.
I considered that it would be of great interest to the users who aren't yet on Market 3 (and a very few who are)
The fact that I just moved the thread instead of starting a new one with a quote is, in my opinion, irrelevant.
Regarding the sticky, as I said when I transferred it, that would be temporary and it is now unstickied

Well you are wrong and I am very disappointed, I thought you were big enough to admit you had got it wrong and gracefully accept the observation made by one of the members. I had already given you the opportunity to reconsider without it becoming public by using the report to moderator route.
I considered that it would be of great interest to the users who aren't yet on Market 3 (and a very few who are)

Absolutely agree with that statement 100%.
The fact that I just moved the thread instead of starting a new one with a quote is, in my opinion, irrelevant.

That is not the major reason for my objection which is that it is not about an announcement that has been made by Plusnet (or a moderators announcement concerning the administration of these forums). The most appropriate place for this post would have been in the feedback forum.
Lets look at all the topics started in this forum by moderators:
New Plusnet Broadband Network This was started by Be3G after my request that the topic I started about the announcement made by Dave Tomlinson on the blog was declined. Be3G's post is a quote of Dave's and inviting comments - totally appropriate.
General : Forum Rules: In Depth Started by a previous moderator and totally appropriate to these forums.
MOVED: Re: Plusnet Rollout Schedule Started by OldJimafter splitting out off-topic and inappropriate posts for this forum. I think I might have been inclined not to leave the linking post in this forum.
MOVED: Re: Eh up, we're on telly! Started by Be3G in similar circumstances. Again I think I'd of just left it to a link in the topic from which the posts were split.
MOVED: Re: We won’t be beat on price Same again by adiewoo
ISPA Awards 2010 Started by OldJim. This was not an announcement by Plusnet and should have been in the feedback forum. If it had been made after the Plusnet blog post quoting it in full as Thomas has done regarding the New Plusnet Broadband Network it would have been appropriate.
Changes to Home Phone Pricing and new T&C for Broadband and Phone Started by OldJim- appropriate
Major Outage Wednesday Morning - 11th Nov by OldJim. This should have been in the Broadband and Routers forum (probably as a temporary sticky), I actually think it would be far more likely to be seen in there.
Changes to Terms and Conditions by OldJim - appropriate although I'm not sure about your eagerness to "Getting in before the staff" without giving them a chance to make an official announcement.
Forum Rule Changes by OldJim - totally appropriate
Forum Structure Redesign. by Chemical Brother - totally appropriate
New Community Site Moderator - Recruitment/Elections Announcement by James_H - totally appropriate
Community Site Downtime by cogilvie - totally approriate
It is apparent that there is only one moderator (past or present) who is stretching the definition of this forum.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
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Re: Move of an inappropriate topic to the announcements forum

There's one other point I forgot to make:
In the past the moderators have acted as a team and reached a consensus decision on matters such as this.
Have you had the full backing of all the other moderators for your decision?
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
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Re: Move of an inappropriate topic to the announcements forum

Another Forum I participate in has considerable confusion caused by people assuming this is a "done and dusted"  deal, but at least there we were able to discuss it and point out the inaccurate reporting.
The original topic appears to be locked with an incorrect title. I suggest that as a minimum:
1. The topic title is corrected to include "proposed" at the very least.
2. A post is added to the end to point out that these proposals are a very long way from enactment.
And then, ideally reopen the topic and get it back onto a sensible track.... Roll_eyes
Oh, and obviously move it to a more appropriate place, it's clearly not in the correct location.  Wink
Community Gaffer
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Re: Move of an inappropriate topic to the announcements forum

I'm kinda sitting on the fence with this one.
On one side, I agree with jelv that this isn't strictly an announcement. In fact, aside from the allusions I've made in that thread, there hasn't been an official Plusnet statement about the changes yet. Part of me would rather we waited for that before a thread was started/moved to the Announcements forum.
Having said that, it's likely to be a pretty hot topic so I can sort of see the point of moving it to make it more prominent/visible.
It doesn't concern me too significantly where it lives, as long as it serves its purpose and we don't get duplicate threads popping up all over the place.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

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Re: Move of an inappropriate topic to the announcements forum

There are other topics which are of great interest to users which haven't been moved in to Announcements. This has been done purely on the whim of ONE moderator and the others have just shown unity.
How about Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!? The potential financial implications for someone affected would make the difference between Market 1 and Market 3 pricing seem like chicken feed! As leaving it in Your Feedback but making it sticky was appropriate for that topic, why was the same not appropriate for the discussion of the OFCOM consultation?
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
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Re: Move of an inappropriate topic to the announcements forum

I would say the pertinent fact is what the Announcements forum is for - "You'll see all announcements here, from staff or moderators. You can reply, but can't start new threads..
Across all forums elsewhere it is usual for announcements to be restricted to company or moderator posters, and for topics specifically relevant to the business.
I think this particular topic should be in  Your feedback
Posts: 562
Registered: ‎10-05-2007

Re: Move of an inappropriate topic to the announcements forum

Quote from: Bob
Having said that, it's likely to be a pretty hot topic so I can sort of see the point of moving it to make it more prominent/visible.

Don't most people use UNREAD POSTS, so it doesn't matter it its not at the top?
Seasoned Hero
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Re: Move of an inappropriate topic to the announcements forum

I would think most regular visitors would use UNREAD POSTS, but not the more casual visitors.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)