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Minor registered bug

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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Minor registered bug

Just noticed that against your user name, the registered date is repeated twice on the left.

I would post a screenshot, but not much point as it is obvious.

Don't think it is my Mac (though it could be).

Not applicable

Re: Minor registered bug

Already been reported @Alex indeed thrice!

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Re: Minor registered bug

Ok bad replying to myself, here is a screenshot just in case it helps.

EDIT: Fair enough @Anonymous didn't know it had already been reported. 

Community Gaffer
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Re: Minor registered bug

@Anonymous wrote:

Already been reported @Alex indeed thrice!

I was gonna report it myself(Four times is better right?) Tongue

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Minor registered bug

Of course, the more people who moan the better Tongue

Being a bit more serious, it is not the end of the world - and I don't suppose it is worth fixing in isolation. Probably best when the next update is pushed out to the servers with everything else I suppose.

Not applicable

Re: Minor registered bug

The more the merrier as the saying goes @Gandalf, unless of course you're @jaread83 and the recipient then it's just Crazy3

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Re: Minor registered bug

Please see my response on one of the other threads raised about this Smiley

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Re: Minor registered bug

Thanks @jaread83 I saw that.

Just given you a fix on my thread now Tongue