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General Chat

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Re: General Chat

It saddens me to see this section closed, its a shame that the few can affect the many.

The Full Monty
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Re: General Chat

I wasn't going to comment on this topic, but, @dave501 - it was one troll that caused the trouble - again, after being 'removed' under a previous identity.

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Re: General Chat

@Baldrick1 wrote:


Let me rephrase it so that you might get my point.

Thank you @Baldrick1 , but I get the point you were making, my point was that the number of registered members of the forum which you quoted is most likely wildly inaccurate.


I don’t know how many customers Plusnet have but I would guess that it’s in the millions. Of these a sizeable proportion is probably unaware that there’s a forum, let alone a chat board.

Probably very low millions (maybe under two), but I agree on the second point.


To suggest that the demise of this board (or even the forum) could result in the demise of Plusnet is ridiculous.

I totally agree, but it wasn't me who suggested that.  Roll_eyes


I suspect that many of the non customer contributors to the chat board come here because their ISP do not have a forum, let alone a chat board.

I don't know what the percentage would be, but certainly that is true for some forum members, although it should be remembered that many of those are ex-PN customers who have stayed on after they've moved to another ISP.  Sometimes they've moved simply to chase a cheaper deal, and some later return to PN for the same reason.


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Re: General Chat


That particular troll virus was allowed to infect the forum despite being identified early.

Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
The Full Monty
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Re: General Chat

@Minivanman - I know - the question is: why?

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Re: General Chat


That's a very good question and if there was a motive ulterior or overt I'd love to know what it is.

We can surmise of course, but my considered guess would be sheer laziness coupled with incompetence by a moderator in connivance or cahoots with that retread of a troll.

Could be wrong mind, but that would be my two pennies worth.  🤔

Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
Not applicable

Re: General Chat

GC was not a Care Home for the unsubscribed. 


Looking forwards to some peace & quiet.


Happy to see it blocked, for a while at least.


Perhaps the great unsubscribed will find a new Care Home to visit.

The Full Monty
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Re: General Chat

@Anonymous With respect, at least we won't have to put up with your repetitive posts.

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Re: General Chat


To be fair, @Anonymous has the pleasure of putting up with them as well.

Why does literary self masturbation come to mind? 😆

Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
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Re: General Chat


Looking forwards to some peace & quiet?

Maybe you should ease up on posting stuff that is of absolutely no interest to anybody but yourself?

Tesco's like your Marmite does have a shelf life y'know. 😋 

Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
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Re: General Chat

Children, just read back over recent posts and explain why the Chat board should be reinstated!

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Re: General Chat


No need, happy enough here.

It has been reinstated by the way, but is now locked up tighter that a you know what.

Lighten up fella.

Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
Not applicable

Re: General Chat

In the recent absence of the great Pontificator, I thought I would fill the gap !



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Re: General Chat

And fill it you have @Anonymous, and fill you have.   😉 👍

Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
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Re: General Chat

@Anonymous wrote:

GC was not a Care Home for the unsubscribed. 


Looking forwards to some peace & quiet.


Happy to see it blocked, for a while at least.

With respect, can we take that as an admission of your spamming to stir up trouble? - You posted multiple topics daily trying to provoke a reaction and now you admit you're looking forward to some peace and quiet? - which we gave you for half of september and all it did was make you post even more!

So, it's official that YOU were one of those trying to close down General Chat.

What i want to know is WHY? - You were not forced to visit it at all.