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Usergroup/Usertools Site migration

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,686
Registered: ‎03-02-2014

Usergroup/Usertools Site migration

Hi all,
Just in case anyone misses it, we're just about to post the following to the Service Status feed:
Planned Usergroup/Usertools maintenance - Thursday 25th September 6.30am-7.00am
When's this work happening?
Tomorrow morning, 25th September.
What does it affect?
Access to the Usergroup and Usertools websites:
How long will it take?
About 30 minutes.
What does the work involve?
We are migrating the above websites to a new server environment.
Am I likely to notice the work?
It's unlikely, however the chat feature, the Usertools IRC server and some outdated tutorial content has been removed/retired as part of the migration. The Usergroup forums will also be offline whilst DNS is allowed time to catch up (see below).
Is there anything else I need to know?
Because this is a DNS change, it is likely to take 24 hours or so for the changes to fully propagate. During this time, some visitors to the above sites will be taken to the old server, whilst others will see the new one. The Usergroup forums will also be in 'maintenance mode'.
If you experience any problems following the migration then please let us know by posting over on our discussion forums -,132139.0.html
Linn Karstrom
Customer Relations