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Visual Radius’ graph

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎12-08-2007

Visual Radius’ graph

Is there a way to get a Visual Radius’ graph for my connection?

I seem to be experiencing a lot more dropped connections, which is especially annoying whilst streaming live TV and missing several minutes while the router reboots and re-establishes the connection.

The drops don't just happen when streaming but can happen anytime whilst using the PC, tablet or TV streamers.

I have done a quiet line test using a corded telephone and it is silent. The speed test also looks okay with Ping 18ms Download 12.24 Mbps and Upload 1.06 Mbps.

I have looked out the other new micro filter that came with the Plusnet router to switch out with the current one.

The help sections state "A broadband connection may drop from time to time which is actually quite normal. We would generally say that if your connection is dropping more than 3 or 4 times a day, this could be considered a problem."

So I would like to know just how many times a dropping connection fault is happening to my line, to know if it could be considered a problem.

Thanks for any help.


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Re: Visual Radius’ graph

What is your perception of the "drop"?

A WiFi device loses connectivity for a short time or the router loses its connect for 90 to 120 seconds?

These are not the same, the former is an internal issue, where as the latter points to an issue with the phone line.

A speed test is of little help here, sight of your router stats might be illuminating.

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Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Visual Radius’ graph

Hi @steed


I'm really sorry to hear that you've been having issues with your broadband connection. I've run some tests on our end and it is apparent that the connection has been rather intermittent as of late. In these cases, it is likely that the source of the issue is the phone service. Please contact your phone provider and ask them to run a test on the line to check for any potential disconnections.


If no fault is found, we'll be happy to investigate any specific issues with your broadband asset.


-Adam - Plusnet Leeds

 Plusnet Help Team - Leeds
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Re: Visual Radius’ graph

Oh dear - phone and broadband service provided by different providers?  Always a cocktail for tears before bedtime!

POTS issues can have a marked impact on xDSL data services ... whilst showing no impact on voice services ... which opens a chasm between the CP and the ISP for the user to fall down!

Be prepared for a game of ping pong here due to the way BT Open reach work with their CP / ISP customers - a copper fault identified by an ISP cannot be raised to BTOR, it has to be done (and paid for) by the CP (phone service provider) ... who sees no voice service fault and will seek to direct the user to get the ISP to fix the issue.

Do not be fobbed off by your phone service provider, only they can request a copper circuit repair.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Rising Star
Posts: 114
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Registered: ‎12-08-2007

Re: Visual Radius’ graph

Thanks for the reply.


The "drop" is the router rebooting (taking several minutes with the green lights all going off and then each one coming back on again) to re-establish the connection. This happens when streaming using a wired connection but can also happen when just browsing the internet on the tablet and phone using Wi-Fi connection, or desktop PC both wired and Wi-Fi.


Regarding the router states, where might I find them?

I am using the Thomson TG585 router. When logged into the router I can get the following details:

Output Power (Up/Down) [dBm]: 12.5 / 0.0

Line Attenuation (Up/Down) [dB]: 15.0 / 26.5

SN Margin (Up/Down) [dB]: 6.5 / 6.5

CRC Errors (Up/Down): 0 / 117
HEC Errors (Up/Down): 0 / 104

And the only other stats that I can find that may be of use is the Event Log which only gives the events from the last reboot of the router with the stats shown above.

00:01:27 (since last boot) xDSL linestate up (ITU-T G.992.5; downstream: 14747 kbit/s, upstream: 1279 kbit/s; output Power Down: 20.0 dBm, Up: 12.5 dBm; line Attenuation Down: 26.5 dB, Up: 15.0 dB; snr Margin Down: 6.0 dB, Up: 7.5 dB)
Rising Star
Posts: 114
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Registered: ‎12-08-2007

Re: Visual Radius’ graph

Thanks for the reply.


I have tried doing the online Troubleshooter Diagnostics with BT but could not complete it because I am experiencing none of the problems listed. I haven't had any issues with the phone and the quiet line test I did indicated no noise on the line.

So I will need to contact them via phone and ask them to run a test on the line to check for any potential disconnections.

Rising Star
Posts: 114
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Registered: ‎12-08-2007

Re: Visual Radius’ graph

Thanks for the reply.


I am with BT for the phone provider but suspect like you mention that even though Plusnet is owned by BT I don't see them doing any favours, despite being part of the same group.


I did wonder if it could be the router since it is quite old now, so I was wondering if to get a new router to try.


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Re: Visual Radius’ graph

You need yo recognise that the BT Group has many houses and under Ofcom Industry rules, as far as service, is concerned they all operate at arms length from each other.

One ought not to believe that BT Retail (the bit which sells phone and broadband services direct to Joe Public) is in any way connected to Plusnet in a manner which would curry favour.  There are by industry rules no preferential relationships - BT Wholesale and BT Openreach are supposed to treat all CP and ISP retailers exactly the same.

Cynical observation over the years might lead one to believe that Sky and Talk Talk get priority service over the other CPs and ISPs.  Certainly in years gone by they had a better standard service level from BTOR by direction from Ofcom.

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Community Gaffer
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Re: Visual Radius’ graph

Thanks for getting back to us @steed 

I'm sorry for the issues with your connection.

From what I can see we've run a line test as part of the broadband tests and the line itself is testing fine.

Your connection's definitely dropping though, I've attached below a visual radius graph for you:

Given the length of time you've been with us and the router's ancient, I've arranged to send you a new router now you should receive within the next 3 to 5 working days.

In the meantime if you haven't already it may be worth plugging your router into the test socket explained Here as this should rule out any issues with internal wiring.

Let us know how it goes once you've got the new router. Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎12-08-2007

Re: Visual Radius’ graph

Thanks @Gandalf.

Just to report back.

The router is always plugged direct into the master socket so I can get the best connection.

I received the new router and set it up, and over the next 30 days I still experienced dropped connections and the router crashing, which either required a restart or complete power off/on. But I don't think as many times as with my old router.

However, these past further 18 days I have maintained a connection without any drops, so hopefully whatever the reason for these dropped connections it appears now to be resolved.

Haven't got any idea how it was resolved considering I still had issues with the new router. The only thing I noticed was an Open Reach van in the street which must have been at another house (but not on my line or others connected to the same telegraph pole) doing some work, and whether during that any repair or replacement impacted my line. Or it could have just been a coincidence.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Visual Radius’ graph

Thanks a lot for your response @steed


I'm really glad to hear that the line appears to have stabilised itself over the last 18 days. I've checked the radius on our end as well and can't see any drops at all. What you're saying about the Openreach Engineer is likely. When repair / provision work is carried out, engineers can take it upon themselves to tidy up the PCP and the connections at the DP. Though we'll never know for sure whether this attributed to your issues being resolved.


Just one more thing, your master socket isn't the same as the test socket. Taking the faceplate off your master socket will expose the test socket which lies behind it.


Feel free to give iu a shout if you have any further questions at all.

 Plusnet Help Team - Leeds