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Speed Profile dropped

Posts: 80
Registered: ‎02-10-2010

Speed Profile dropped

Hi , I have been with Plusnet for about 6 years now and not had too much of a problem as I am very near to the exchange so always in the past had excellent speeds almost up to the max on adsl2
Last year I did have an intermittent fault that after a few visits where BT could not find it it was eventually traced to a faulty connection in an extra box on the flats nearby my own that was only just about making connection although it did take several calls and 3 engineers the line was changed to a new line and like magic after several weeks of phone and internet going off randomly and buying new router several house calls etc etc the fault was eventually found outside.
Prior to the above everything was hunky dory and was back up to around about a genuine 14-15mb ?  download speeds again with most testers and internet was snappy / streaming / games worked well too for nearly a year  .

Now back to now with speed dropping

Last couple of months after noticing that internet speeds and gaming had both dropped significantly in performance I ran a few checks and connection had dropped to below 10mb so usual reset and wait for it to increase but although stable and leaving it alone for days on end before attempting another reset the line has failed to get anywhere near back to where it was down by almost a third mostly , it has increased slowly over past 2 months but never got back to as it was.

Now although the speeds I am getting being close to the hub would sound great for some it is nowhere near as good as it has been over last few years and that includes right after the problems last year were sorted and new line / connection made by engineer , phone line is still silent , no drop outs , internet is not so snappy on any of my pcs / laptop , streaming etc has suffered greatly past few weeks where before it was excellent

Sorry for long message but wait times last few weeks for technical support at Plusnet seem to have got a bit worse and really dont want to have to go through all testing equipment again , although I did try and brought a new router last year when at first it was thought that that was the problem internal wiring was all slimmed down last year too before the fault was eventually found outside 

Frightened to touch it again too much unless essential lol after last year but other router is same and works fine just line speed still slower on my once excellent line.

I know some will say again that I am getting a good speed but it has dropped down by nearly a third at tmes and that cannot be right surely when it was stable for months , neighbors still like I was still get almost the max phoneline is ultra quiet and I am so close to my exchange I can see the top of the roof from my patio Smiley

Last couple of months my internet is slower  , streaming is slower , gaming has suffered and it seems to take an age to get through to support and honestly really dont want to go through all last years stuff again just to try to get performance back .

Can someone possibly here check my line ie: has interleaving been turned on after a drop out few weeks ago or something , has something changed plusnet end or  is my profile stuck and is this maximum I will get from now on ? - all the usuals done , I am into master socket actually go straight into test socket with just my router left it like that since last years probs when new line done and a new master socket fitted by BT whilst they were here  , new filters tried  , no extensions , same on all PCs

Is there anyway to check this I cannot find the old ticket support system now Ive been with plusnet for many years now but Id like to be able to just get this checked and if/what  maximum is going to be a it is now or if profile can be changed somehow to get the performance back without a long wait on phone and having to try all the usual's which I have done many times over the years
As said  paid for the new kit / ripped out extensions last year etc many calls etc as well as waiting in for days so as to get it working again and it was until few weeks  ago 
Always has been and is a straight forward no extensions router/phone /filter/master socket direct to outside ,

Also do plusnet throttle speeds now ie:youtube streaming on adsl2 , never felt a need to swap to fibre because of my closeness to exchange and my excellent adsl2 but as its mainly youtube I use and a bit of gaining but wondering has adsl2 max speeds been throttled back or something , streaming  at times is much worse than my brothers who is much further from exchange  which is a bit baffling

Posts: 23,310
Thanks: 9,807
Fixes: 162
Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Speed Profile dropped


Its always worth covering the basics.  There's every possibility that your line has issues again...

Please perform a quiet line test - dial 17070 select option 2 using a corded phone plugged into the test socket behind the face plate of the master socket. It should be silent. A noisy phone line (or no dial tone) will have a marked adverse impact on the performance of broadband.

If the line is noisy or there is no dial tone, then a PHONE LINE fault needs to be raised with your phone provider. If this is PlusNet, you can report a fault on line using the button below.


Please post your router stats; for PN TG582n and 2704n routers use the buttons below, for other routers look at the Kitz link.

Also run a BT Wholesale speed test (ideally using an Ethernet wired PC with the WiFi turned off) then run the further diagnostics and post the results here. DO NOT REBOOT the router!

Also find your CURRENT SPEED (PlusNet line profile) from the PlusNet user portal - you will need to log in.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 80
Registered: ‎02-10-2010

Re: Speed Profile dropped

as said above all the basic tests have been done (and more)  line IS stable but much slower than it has been in the past and I have waited Smiley
Phone line as said above is crystal clear still and has been since last year and previous to that am hoping that Plusnet support can take a look

I am sure that Plusnet can  see  my line stats etc  it has not disconnected for 6 days since I last reset it to see if made any difference / zero retrains on line showing  and all I am after really is someone from Plusnet to confirm if they see a problem or not and if my broadband now is working at its best   which is significantly down on what it was past years Smiley  .

Quiet line test is absolutely fine , phone line is perfect as is brand new master socket literally can see the exchange etc completely quiet every time I have tried it as said above these things have already been done all the usual's whilst trying to get through to Plusnet support when I can , due to work hours this is often difficult I do not want to reset my router again until someone has checked at Plusnet IF something is showing as changed etc

Posts: 23,310
Thanks: 9,807
Fixes: 162
Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Speed Profile dropped

You could wait a while for a Plusnet touch here...

Sight of your full router stats would enable a forum member to advise you if your line is performing at its expectations.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 80
Registered: ‎02-10-2010

Re: Speed Profile dropped

O.K thanks anyway for help was just attempting to try and sort it without going through the motions as line is stable as can be in my eyes it doesnt reset unless I ask it too , which is as little as possible but speed dropped about 5 - 7 weeks ago by a fair margin and waited patiently see if it returns as speed is quite good being so close to my exchange , brand new line and master socket last year etc by BT after a bit of a problem , missed calls 3 engineers etc so just would be nice to be back up to the speed I have always enjoyed besides that hiccup and until several weeks ago Smiley
By some peoples standards what I get is pretty good I can literally walk out of my garden accross a road and up an alleyway and I am at the exchange , the cable obviously takes a bit of a longer route though Smiley

As said unfortunately l dont have too much time at the right time to hang on the line and although wasnt urgent even several weeks ago I am just wondering why and if can be sorted with a look that end as other than that line is at a good speed but well down on what I once got
Obviously not getting anywhere near my connection speeds on downloads and streaming is very poor on both PCs here (once wasnt) so just wondering as that was fine too until several weeks ago and next door is on same theres fine what may be causing it , they do get a higher connection and although I woiuld of expected mine to anyway be fast enough by far for HD I just would like to know if something has changed before I decide to make any changes , never thought about Fibre before but just want to know if my line may get back to as it was before considering  

I dont know if Plusnet are now capping streaming or not either , do they bandwidth throttle at busy times  on Fibre or adsl2 at all ?

Im not a huge bandwidth hog or user as just stream quite a bit from music sites etc  so its annoying at moment that that is much much worse at times maybe my extra speed I had helped it along a little although speed I get now and line being stable although slower should be well up to it I would have thought , so just after info if anything is up ?

hopefully without getting to back to basics again , long calls etc as line is pretty stable and clean as a whistle otherwise Smiley

SNR Margin (Downstream/Upstream): 5.9 dB/5.9 dB 
Attenuation (Downstream/Upstream): 32.2 dB/16.2 dB 
Posts: 23,310
Thanks: 9,807
Fixes: 162
Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Speed Profile dropped

The limited information you have provided does not enable much help to be given.  The DS attenuation figure would lead one to anticipate a DS synch speed of 13.8Mbps.  What is your current synch speed?

Only with sight of all of the information I requested can I offer further assistance.  SNRM figures are where they ought to be.  The BT & PN profile figures will impact the usability of the link - you can get these with the links to the BT Speed tester and The PN Current speed.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 80
Registered: ‎02-10-2010

Re: Speed Profile dropped

Sorry Towman are you Plusnet support ?, if so please just take a look at my stats there and if you think there may be a problem -  this is all I am asking the info above is to save me going through it all again on phone , I have all the links from last time and have done all else my end over last few weeks several times , no big problem just want to know if all showing o.k that end  or if anything else can be done / checked that end before I do anything else here Smiley

Posts: 23,310
Thanks: 9,807
Fixes: 162
Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Speed Profile dropped

No I am not support - I'm a customer just like you, trying to help answer your questions, without you needing to go through it all on the phone.

There is a difference between you being advised that it is "OK" and "it could be doing better".  I've now given you the advice I can offer with the limited information you've provided.  PlusNet staff might be able to get some of the data themselves, they cannot however perform BT speed tests as I requested you did.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 80
Registered: ‎02-10-2010

Re: Speed Profile dropped

"I'm a customer just like you"   
O.K thanks ,  you will see that I have also been a customer since before  2010 having done the basics / bt speedtests for many of my referrals as well as said above for me here in my post this time too   so although   I thank you for your  help I have done all that checked everything here past few weeks and I would rather wait for a reply from actual Plusnet support before / if I do a ticket or call , I am not having major problems as said I have done all "the usual"

As said in previous posts above I am just after help/info that you cannot give me really and I had thought that the forum  had regular support staff here now that may be able to help  rather than bothering technical support / waiting / adding to a phone queue with a non major problem but all the same want to know  why or if things have changed their end for some reason before making any changes especially if they dont need to be done and will achieve nothing but long phone calls unrequired call outs or equipment changes  etc  Smiley