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Moving my Plusnet business directory number before Plusnet business expires

Posts: 11
Registered: ‎06-09-2023

Moving my Plusnet business directory number before Plusnet business expires


I know I am very late to the party but I have tried to catch up reading other threads. I currently have FTTC with Plusnet Business. I have a second copper line I am getting another ISP set up on to make the transfer painless. The question is regarding my directory number attached to my PN account.


I already use for other VoIP phone numbers. I would like to shift my munber from PN to YAY however I am advised that will instantly terminate my internet service. Is this really the case? My service seems to be enabled for SOGEA which I thought would mean the internet service could run without a directory number - as long as I pay my bill! Does a PN service really need a directory number? Could they give me a new number once I shift away?


Like others who have been with PN for a couple of decades losing my phone number is not an option!


I see reference to a 30 day period to move a number to another service (IP?) after termination.Would that be 30 days after Plusnet Business pull the plug? I am not sure I want to take that risk. I could shift my number tomorrow if I was shre it would not effect the PN account and internet service. A complication is that there is a user here with a  email address and advising everyone of a new email address seems to be taking a long while!

