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Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

Posts: 83
Registered: ‎21-06-2007

Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

Not too long ago I posted here complaining about my poor speed results.
To remind PlusNet:

This is the second time i signed up to PlusNet Pro and I was one of the first 21CN folk to sign up for the trial. When I was on PlusNet Pro previously i was getting 13-14000Kbps which was excellent.
Recently this is what I am getting:



I attached my modem readings as well as some Kitz stats
Can someone please investigate? There has not been a single change to my set up at home since the last time i was on Pro.
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Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

Can you run a bt speedtest and post those results please?
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Posts: 83
Registered: ‎21-06-2007

Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

Hi adiewoo and thanks for the reply
Apologies for taking this time to get  back but i was away fro a day.
I just run the BT Speed Test and the results are attached.
It matches the line Profile of 6000kbps that appears to be the one PlusNet have given me very recently. I swear that only a few days ago my PlusNet profile was giving 13000Kbps. Why the jump? What is going on?
I also re-run a speed test and attached that here:

Can someone please fix my stuck profile (again!)?
Posts: 51
Registered: ‎21-11-2009

Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

hi michaelm, i too have had nothing but the same up and down problems with plusnet pro ever since i upgraded (trying not to laugh) to it  months ago and i just don't see the point in paying for it anymore.
if anyone else asks me for router stats or a bt line speed test i think i'll scream, i'm off somewhere else. plusnet can get stuffed.
Posts: 83
Registered: ‎21-06-2007

Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

Thanks oakstar
Pleased to see I am not the only one suffering these issues. It just seems totally random.
Yesterday I was given 17 questions to answer on my open ticket (re: 33481342 )!!!!!
The majority of them were along the lines of "what happens when you disconnect...". Naturally this was the wrong question to ask as there has never been any disconnections. I work from home a lot some weeks over VPN and I would have known if there was such an issue.
Secondly they asked me to run the standard fault tests. That was amusing as 2 replies earlier a CSC analyst has said there was no fault on my line.
Matt, if you are reading this can you please help me out? You have helped me out before and I am sure you can do it again!
I just don't understand  how a perfectly great connection can mess up overnight! As I said on the ticket, there has been no change at all on my home hardware.
I do not want to consider moving suppliers as I am sure these problems are as a result of the ancient infrastructure BT has in place and these problems will be present with whichever supplier I choose to join. At least PlusNet are approachable through these forums and the Help Centre.
Plea for help from a 5 year PlusNet customer!
Posts: 19,757
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

any five year old should be able to answer those question,
Disconnect - are they asking you to disconnect your phone - to make sure its not the phone
The checks- yes your line to the exchange shows clear, but your 5 year old line has probably developed some faults.
Do the checks, as if BT are called out and you havnt done the checks and they find a fault on you house wiring you will get lumbered with a plus £140 bill
Posts: 83
Registered: ‎21-06-2007

Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

There is no need for the attitude.
Please do not answer if you do not know the context.
My line is not 5 year old - i have moved houses a few times since i signed up to PlusNet 5 years ago.
PlusNet Pro was working spotless only a few months ago.
There is no fault on my line as everything works fine.
I have already disconnected the phone and this is not the issue.
Please read my previous posts before providing this attitude. There has been NO change in my home hardware. I will do the checks tonight as PlusNet only emailed me in the middle of the night.
As said before, when i had these issues before, PlusNet were able to fix them remotely.
This is a forum for help not to be abused so for any attitude and sarcasm please go elsewhere.
Posts: 83
Registered: ‎21-06-2007

Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

Under the Members Area my Estimated Line Speed of 6000Kbps was last checked on the 1st April.
That is bizarre as I upgraded to Pro on the 12th April and there should have been subsequent speed checks.
This to me sounds like a simple case of a BRAS stuck profile.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

It's still showing as 6000 on BTs side, and there have been a few disconnections generally in the mornings that won't be helping (generally between 5 and 7am). I'm wondering if you're aware of anything that might cause that - filter on a buglar alarm perhaps, or streetlights turning off (though why it's not happening when they turn on is a mystery).
I hope that helps,
Posts: 83
Registered: ‎21-06-2007

Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

Hi Matt and good to hear from you.
No I am afraid there are no burglar alarms in the property and as for streetlights...well there are some outside and they may well be turning off around that time but surely why should that be a problem now? I have had this line on that property for 2 years now.
As for the disconnections, I would have never noticed them at that point. I have manually restarted the router a couple of times but it was usually during the day and not that early AM.
Does it help restarting the router or is it making things worse? I was lead to believe that this helps the training of the line.
for good measure I will change some of the micro filters at home and report back on any improvements.
Thanks Matt - Much appreciated.
Posts: 4,799
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Registered: ‎03-11-2007

Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

.well there are some outside and they may well be turning off around that time but surely why should that be a problem now?

electrical things will all most all ways have an end off life and when this happens it will likely emit interfrence in its final days/weeks of life.
have you tried in the test socket yet?
Posts: 83
Registered: ‎21-06-2007

Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

Hi Asbo Dog
I confess I haven't yet. I will be doing the standard fault tests tonight that PN has asked to do and from memory they ask you not to tinker with any hardware or disconnect during that process.
Once that is complete, I will give the test socket a try.
Thanks for the input!
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

You should be fine to do that as part of the regular testing - it's always worth doing just to confirm that there's no errors being caused by your internal wiring.
Posts: 83
Registered: ‎21-06-2007

Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

Thanks Matt
Will do
It is already connected up to the master socket anyway. Will take off the face plate and hook it up directly on the test socket during testing tonight.
Posts: 83
Registered: ‎21-06-2007

Re: Continued bad performance on PlusNet Pro

Did all the BT fault tests but they did not get bring up any errors.
However, please see attached BT Test
Notice the DSL connection rate downstream and then notice the actual download speed achieved. Is this where the issue is?
Furthermore, these are my router stats:
Downstream   Upstream
Data Rate(Kbps)
        16560                 834
Noise margin (dB)
        11.7                 11.0
Output power (dBm)
        21.3                 12.4
Attenuation (dB)
        12.5                 4.3

Here are some recent speed tests:

Obviously that last one appears to be the problem?