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Am I being charged?

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎12-09-2007

Am I being charged?

Hi. I signed up to plusnet on the 10th of september and have registered to move from my current ISP to plusnet on the 17th of september. I received an email telling me:
"The order to migrate your broadband service has been issued to BT Wholesale.
This is due for completion on: 14/09/07"
So all was ok, so I thought.
I clicked on the link in the email to view 'my questions' and I found one that said:
"Additional information:
The Asset could not be found (our ref: 7028)
"This is an ISP Migration Regrade account i.e the customer has requested the account to be regraded to the fastest speed the line can handle after the migration is complete.
This account is created inline with the customer's existing BT Product:
Since this is a migration-regrade account, the charge for this regrade is £14.99."
Am I being charged £14.99? I have not received anything telling me I am, and when I signed up there was no mention of a charge.
Scrolling further down the questions I found:
"This is an ISP Migration Regrade account i.e the customer has requested the account to be regraded to the fastest speed the line can handle after the migration is complete.
Since this is a migration-regrade account, the regrade is free of charge.
This account will be regraded automatically after the migration is completed."
So I seem to hav things contradicting each other.
Pretty much all of these 'questions' make little sense to me anyway so i basically want to know if I am being charged, and if so why, and why was this not mentioned when signing up.

Posts: 5,560
Thanks: 2
Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Am I being charged?

Hi there,
Apologies for the confusion here.
You will not be charged £14.99, the regrade charge only applies if we need to place a regrade order separately to the migration order, which in your case we don't.
Welcome to the forums btw. Smiley
Posts: 2
Registered: ‎12-09-2007

Re: Am I being charged?

Thanks for the welcome Smiley
And also thanks for clearing that up for me! I was not going to be too happy if I was going to be charged, but as I'm not all is well and I shall look forward to the 'move' completion.
Thanks again!
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎22-10-2007

Re: Am I being charged?

I am in exactly the same situation that woozles123 was in a while back and have also just discovered the link in "my questions" which gives a repeat of woozles explanation/situation.
Can I also ask for confirmation that I won't be charged the £14.99?

Thanks to woozles123 for the brilliant description of our situation.........and for saving me from having to TRY to explain myself    Wink Wink
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Am I being charged?

Hi there,
We don't actually charge for migration regrades anymore.  We have an internal problem open currently to get the content of that text changing as it's certainly confusing Smiley
Apologies for any undue confusion that this may have caused.
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎22-10-2007

Re: Am I being charged?

Yes, sadly it is very confusing but many thanks for the very speedy re-assurances.