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Our customer service … and the award we're glad we haven't won

Our customer service … and the award we're glad we haven't won

Our customer service … and the award we're glad we haven't won

banner Over the past year, we've been working hard at Plusnet to improve our customer service. And we think the proof's in the (Yorkshire) pudding - as we've picked up new awards for our good honest broadband, low prices and customer service. But we're not putting our feet up anytime soon. The Daily Mail's announced the results of its 2012 Wooden Spoon Awards for poor customer service. And even though we weren't even nominated, it's made us think even harder about what we do and how we can do it better. Read on to find out more about the spoons and what we've been doing to make our customer service even better.

Awards, Wooden Spoons and Customer Service

Every year, the Daily Mail runs a set of awards called the Wooden Spoons - where consumers vote for the brands they feel have let them down when it comes to customer service. While a wooden spoon definitely comes in handy in the kitchen, we're really glad we weren't nominated for this year's spoon-shaped trophy. Customer service is really important to us - and winning awards for our customer service at last year's PC Advisor ISP Awards, the Broadband Genie Awards, the uSwitch Awards and the Broadband Choices Customer Satisfaction Awards as well as winning recommendations from the independent consumer watchdog Which?, was a real highlight. Not because it's given us more awards to put on display, but because it means that you're even happier with our good, honest broadband.

How we've been improving our customer service...

  • We've made it easier to fix problems that could be affecting your broadband We hate it when things don't work properly. And we know it's frustrating when you can't get online. So we've introduced Plusnet Assist - a new tool that watches out for, and fixes, broadband connection and email problems, and helps you get back online if you're disconnected. What's more, it's free to download for our broadband and fibre broadband customers.Even though we've created Plusnet Assist, we know there are times when you want to understand how things work and fix a problem yourself. So, we've also put loads of easy-to-read support materials and tutorials online that'll talk you through how to check for and fix common problems that could be stopping you from getting the most out of your broadband.And if there's a problem you or Plusnet Assist can't fix and you do need to call us, we'll be able to use remote screen sharing support to access your desktop, show you how to fix the problem and let you know what to do if something goes wrong in future.We've even updated our phone systems, so they match your phone number to your account status and automatically direct you to the team we think you'll be looking to speak to, so you're more likely to get through to the best person to help, first time.
  • It's now free to call us …If you need to call us, we think it's only fair that your call should be free. So, last year we swapped our 0845 number for a free phone number: 0800 432 0200. And, if you're using a mobile, you can use our new 0345 number - 0345 140 0200. When you use an 0345 number, the minutes you spend talking are usually deducted straight from your call plan, just like regular calls.
  • And you can chat with us online too …Our Digi Care team manage our Twitter account, and are on hand to reply to tweets looking to know more or ask for help. So if you've got a query, complaint or just want to talk broadband, you can chat with one of our team over Twitter. The Digi Care team also tweet handy tips too, so you could find out some useful shortcuts and fixes just by following our Twitter feed. But, we're not just on Twitter. You can chat with us and with other broadband users and gamers here on our Community Site, where you can add to discussion forums and comment on our blogs. Our customers even moderate our forums, so we don't edit what you see about us - meaning you won't get a company line, just honest, straight-talking chat.

What makes our customer service different?

  • Unlike other broadband providers, we’re always up front and honest about everything we do. In fact, our customers moderate our forums - so we don’t edit what you see about us.
  • We always treat our customers as individuals because we’ve grown from a small, local, friendly company.  Our call centre advisors don’t follow scripts – we encourage real conversations and honest straight-talking.
  • We are committed to solving any queries quickly, in just one call – we know how    frustrating being transferred from one advisor to the next can be.
  • We’re not just in the business of making sales; we care about our customers and how we serve them.  So, we reward our staff for delivering good customer service and making sure customers get the right broadband package for them.
  • We believe all of our customers should have their say about the service they receive, so every month we ask 4,000 customers how we’re doing. Your say matters, so we use customer feedback when we make plans to improve our service.
  • We’re always here to help - our friendly, UK-based, customer service staff are available 24 hours a day, 7  days a week, 365 days a year - online and on our free phone number.

How would you like to see us improve customer service? Have you used any of our new services - like Plusnet Assist, remote screen sharing or our Freephone number? Please let us know by leaving a comment below …

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