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Plusnet Fibre Pigeon Race: The Results

Plusnet Fibre Pigeon Race: The Results

Plusnet Fibre Pigeon Race: The Results

pigeon1The birds have flown and the results are in! To celebrate the launch of Plusnet Fibre, today we asked 20 would-be pigeon fanciers to test our new superfast broadband by backing a bird in a race from London to Yorkshire. Ex-Emmerdale star Roxanne Pallett was on hand to help. So, did we prove victorious? Congratulations to @steve_dinneen who backed the plucky pigeon, Byron that past the post first.  £300 will now be donated to a charity of his choice.

And what about Plusnet Fibre? Well, we downloaded 12 episodes of Dr Who in the time it took our feathered friends to return home. That’s a total of 21GB in 1 hour, 30 minutes. That’s around six times the amount of data that the typical UK broadband speed of 6.2Mb/s could do! Local champion pigeon fancier, John Redfern, awards trophy to winning bird of Plusnet's fibre optic broadband pigeon race.

Local champion pigeon fancier, John Redfern, awards a trophy to the winning bird of Plusnet's fibre optic broadband pigeon race.

So, there you have it - Plusnet Fibre is faster than the pigeon and the Tardis and from £16.49/month it’s also the best value Fibre broadband to hit the market. To catch-up on all the events of today’s race, head to #plusnetfibrepigeons

For more information about fibre broadband and how it works, check our handy guide about what is fibre broadband



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